First grow 19 days in


Well-Known Member
yeah that watering way has worked well for me. glad it's doing good for you as well. ohh yeahh man i know what you mean. i'm ready for this sucker to be looking good and smelling good asap! you're grow looks like it's going well too. i just posted in it.

so when i opened my closet door this morning (i close the door at night before bed then open it in the morning), there was a small smell in the closet (weed smell of course) but i haven't gone into flowering or anything like that. is this usual? i thought it just started to smell during flowering but this is a very light smell. it goes away about 5 minutes after i open the door. any thoughts on this?


ok, so i went and got new lights and a nute today. the lights are both 2700 lumens and i got 2 y joints to add more lights, i just have to get a better light holder thingy. the nute i just used on the plant is 30-10-10. the plant doesn't seem like it's doing too well right now so hopefully the nitrogen will help. the gnats are still there and maybe even growing, but i have no way to get rid of them right now. it is still on 24/7 lighting. let me know what you think and please comment!!
change those cfls man these the wroung ones they should be 6500k and by the pick i can tell there around 2700k to 3000k which are better for flowering


Active Member
yeah that watering way has worked well for me. glad it's doing good for you as well. ohh yeahh man i know what you mean. i'm ready for this sucker to be looking good and smelling good asap! you're grow looks like it's going well too. i just posted in it.

so when i opened my closet door this morning (i close the door at night before bed then open it in the morning), there was a small smell in the closet (weed smell of course) but i haven't gone into flowering or anything like that. is this usual? i thought it just started to smell during flowering but this is a very light smell. it goes away about 5 minutes after i open the door. any thoughts on this?
i would worry about it man, i would be thankful, lol i love the smell of weed, haha the only thing i can think of is that if it is flowering you might want to move the lighting up a few hours until you are absolutely ready to flower. since your going to keep them small anyway if they do start to flower you might want to run with it and see what it does, worst case scenario i dont even want to talk about may be male. you will know soon enough tho. looking good still tho.


Well-Known Member
don't get me wrong i love the smell, i just don't want it to get too potent as i have people that come over a bit. i am looking for a dresser that i am going to convert into a grow box so that will help when i do that. i'm just going to keep it going how it is right now and whatever happens happens. yeah i really hope it's not a male but if it is, oh well. i'll just start a new one!

i'm working on getting rid of these gnats now. friday i'm going to buy some DE and hope that works. a few of the leaves are also clawing at the end. i have tried to search around for something about this clawing but have not found anything yet. it's only about 4 leaves that this is happening on and they're the lower leaves. pics below. anyone have a diagnosis for this?



Active Member
The only thing i can think of is that it may not be getting enough water. the other day mine were starting to droop a little so i sprayed them and gave them a little to drink and they perked back up within a few hours. I dont know if thats the problem with your for sure but if i had to guess that is what i would say. i also am going to convert a little hope chest i have into a grow box so i can put my clones in it and have them on 20/4 and have my closet on 12/12 for flowering. How many sets of leaves does yours have? its kinda hard to count in the pic.


Well-Known Member
The only thing i can think of is that it may not be getting enough water. the other day mine were starting to droop a little so i sprayed them and gave them a little to drink and they perked back up within a few hours. I dont know if thats the problem with your for sure but if i had to guess that is what i would say. i also am going to convert a little hope chest i have into a grow box so i can put my clones in it and have them on 20/4 and have my closet on 12/12 for flowering. How many sets of leaves does yours have? its kinda hard to count in the pic.
i think the water has been alright. i just gave it a little splash of water right now though. i also think i may be due to heat stress (the lights were about an inch away) so i moved them up about 2 inches. that's a good idea to have a little chest to keep clones. it's working on it's 7th set right now but has ones coming in on the older leaves near the trunk (not sure what those leaves are called).



Active Member
I'm sure it could be a number of things man, i just dont know what any of them are, haha i have heard that the leaves will curl UP when its to hot tho. i keep my lights 2 inches away also, but im using 2, 24 inch florescent Grow lights from walmart. im not sure what those little leaves are called either but i know what you are talking about. Mine are starting to get those too. supposedly the LST will make those grow toward the light and if done right the plant can produce more than 1 Cola. its an alternative to toping since it stresses the plant less. hence the term Low Stress Training. who knew? not me 3 hours ago.. haha keep it up. still looking good.


Well-Known Member
alrighty will do.

so these fungus gnats have been pissing me off and today (i finally got money from work) i went to the local nursery and told him what was going on and he nailed everything. he asked if i was keeping the soil dry and not watering all the time. then he said i am probably using miracle grow (which i never told him) and he was right. so he told me to get orange oil and water it down and water the plant with it, then before 20 minutes flush the whole thing. so i did what he said then went to work. just got back and it's night for the plant right now but i check it with my phone light and all the leaves were droopy. like everything was drooping, some of the leaves hitting the soil and some resting on the pot. i hope it's not dead but if it's not i'm sure it's hurting badly. i'll post some pictures when i get up in the morning. the gnats are dead for sure though. might be having to start from square one again......


Well-Known Member
so it isn't dead but it's not in the best condition. there is a lot of drooping and curling but it looks better than it did last night. i'm going to wait until the soil is dry and might add some nutes again. the flies are gone though! but it's going to take some time to get her back up to par. she just needs to perk up!



Active Member
Slow and steady wins the race at this point man. you have to go light on every thing, and i wouldnt nute it for about 2 weeks. its not dead just a little sad. it will perk up after time though. just keep an eye on it.


Well-Known Member
Slow and steady wins the race at this point man. you have to go light on every thing, and i wouldnt nute it for about 2 weeks. its not dead just a little sad. it will perk up after time though. just keep an eye on it.
yeah i was going slow and steady, i just wanted to get rid of those damn gnats and i did that, but now i might have gotten rid of the plant too. i wasn't going to nute for a while...i just wanted her to be alright!!

so when i got up and checked on her today i was devastated. i don't even know what to say...this is what i saw.


Well-Known Member
Damn man sorry about your luck. I hate losing a good plant, it's happened to me a lot and man I know it sucks.


Well-Known Member
yup. well that was a good learning process. another grow coming soon! stealth grow in dresser with seeds from Nirvana! this time it'll be done right all the way. thanks for all the help guys. i learned a lot from this grow!