First Grow 60 Day Wonder

if anf one can help me , my plants are flowering ,they are grown in compost and they look well i have not fed them anything , so would appreciate somebody explaining what i do now as when and what to feed thanks .:roll:
Okay Im just kidding, potassium(k) and phosphorus(p)
thanks , they are 62 days 2 day and i would think they half way in to flowering , i have bought some hammerhead , and some bud bloom , do i feed this everytime they need water which seems to b every 3 days at pressent ,or every other watering , thanks .
here is another important question i have . do u strip the fan leaves of when the plants are flowering to let light to the lower buds , if any one could HELP ME THANKS .
In soil I tend to alternate plane water and nutrients, I also like to water lightly, i may end up watering every day but i feel it is worth it :)