First Grow 600w Bagseed


Active Member
Hey guys i know its a little late im on day 8 of veg but i wanted to start a grow log because im looking for advice as i am a new grower.
im running a 600w MH/HPS and im using the full line of general organics.
Im hoping to maximize my yeild as much as possible as i am only growing 1 plant for my first run im hoping to transplant it into a 5g or 7g pot and LST it.
Stay tuned if you would like to see my grow i will be getting more plants over time.



Subscribed! Im a New grower too. Using 600w hps Have 2 clones and 3 seedings that are trainwreck
, kalashnikova and white widow all going pretty well so far. 2 weeks behind you with the seedlings will
Follow with interest
give her some time. the nodes will develop later now you want 3-4 developed nodes going vertical. then you should bring her to an edge and continue circularly around the pot.


Hey man hows things going? Had. Real nightmare keeping temps down the last couple days coz of the hot weather. ment to be like this all week ive got 2 fans but its not enough if I wna grow through summer gna have to get a rvk150 and pipe hot air from tent into the attic, got a few ideas of how to customise my tent to optimise passive intake aswel :-)


Active Member
Looking good bro. Have ya tried a bowl of water with ice in it next ta the fans ta bring temps down?



Active Member
nice man, yea definetly give the cold water in a cup a try.

Things are looking pretty good i think im on day 20 now. theres are little yellowing on the bottom leaf i acciedently broke the leaf but it still looks fine. my plant responded pretty well to the nutrients it had a little leaf curl but it recovered so i just reached its limits.
not sure what i going to do when my seeds get here, i really wanna get them started the day they come but they are autoflowers so i dont know how i would do that i could keep the plant i have going now in veg until the autos finish i only got 5feet around of height so idk what to do.p i might try to get some t5 or cfls so i could veg under there but idk when i could get that.



hey biggie, hows the ladies looking ?stuffs exploding in my room been using MG biobizz and blackjac just small doses of each going to add mollasses when I can find some super cropped and lst-ing too! was getting abit worried for minute a couple of the kalashinikvas were looking like little cabbages for a minute but theyre lookin more like pukkaz everyday :-)


Active Member
hey man, haha nice. so sorry for the late post not much has happened my plant got root bound and its been growing very slow and been droppy, and i live far from all my local hydro shops and lowe ect didnt have big enough pots. so i just made the trip yesterday.
i transplanted the bagseed in a 4gallon pot, and trim it up it had some nute burn from the hot mircale grow soil it was in before.
i germinated my Big Bang auto, and my Auto Assassin, day 2 the BB has a tap root so i put in soil today so hopefully it sprouts i will be starting another grow report on theese two seeds if they pop.
i put the BB in a 4gallon pot a but dryed it out for a day before so i dont over water it but for the assassin im going to get a 2gallon pot.
Good luck on your girls i hope mine recovers fast its already looking better.



Well-Known Member
Try plastic trays on top of the seeds. I use to-go boxes and deli trays and stuff like that. They let air flow more but keep a nice condensation built up.
Keep it up!


Active Member
The Auto Assassin has a little root so 100% germination rate yaay, i probably will be planting later at night today or tomorrow.