First Grow And Box Design


Well-Known Member
i have the frame put together along with the top and bottom walls in. i think it took like an hour just to figure out where i wanted to put the holes in the box for the cooltube ventilation. Finally decided on the top and toward the back after talkin to the store owner. couldn't put em in the back because it would push the box outward if someone wanted to run ducting hose elsewhere. (its being made to fit in a closet) It took forever to find all the scrap metal to do this box. but i think i got enough. my work has some sheet metal on order but it will take a week. thats too long. today i am goin to put the walls in, big fan, casters, bottom shelf, screen attachments, and hopefully the door. here is a couple pics to give an idea.


MI Bluntsmoker

Active Member
i have the frame put together along with the top and bottom walls in. i think it took like an hour just to figure out where i wanted to put the holes in the box for the cooltube ventilation. Finally decided on the top and toward the back after talkin to the store owner. couldn't put em in the back because it would push the box outward if someone wanted to run ducting hose elsewhere. (its being made to fit in a closet) It took forever to find all the scrap metal to do this box. but i think i got enough. my work has some sheet metal on order but it will take a week. thats too long. today i am goin to put the walls in, big fan, casters, bottom shelf, screen attachments, and hopefully the door. here is a couple pics to give an idea.
Do they ever ask you what in the hell your building at work? Do you say its a gun cabinet or something haha?


Active Member
Spongey just means they aren't getting dense. I don't know that it will have an affect other than smoke faster or something. My question was more for personal interest. They looked spongey, just wanted to hear if they were or not ;)


Well-Known Member
Do they ever ask you what in the hell your building at work? Do you say its a gun cabinet or something haha?
I just tell em im building a box. when they say what kind i tell em a big one. people usually don't ask past that cuz they think they are makin themselves look nosey. but i figure if they kept pressin i would tell em a toolbox.

Spongey just means they aren't getting dense. I don't know that it will have an affect other than smoke faster or something. My question was more for personal interest. They looked spongey, just wanted to hear if they were or not ;)
yep they are definately spongey. that one that was about nine inches tall is now 13. but its not thick. i have been workin on my box again today so i havent been able to post pictures. i will definately do that tomorrow in the evening. they hydro ak47 is kickin ass compared to the soil ak47.


Well-Known Member
thats adamed good box you're puttig together!
well this morning the jager has worn off and im wonderin how i would have explained the 3 big holes in the toolbox. hahahahaha i have got to finish with the metal work today. that way i can get it sealed and painted tomorrow. that large hole in the back of the box is for that 8 inch exhaust fan. i installed it to see how powerfull this fan really was. OMG!!! i have two 6 inch holes in the top of the box. and you can see how big that door is going to be.... i had a 30 inch wide, 48 inch tall piece of 14 guage steel leaning up against it and it got sucked to the door the moment i turned the fan on. with the sheet of metal still sucked to the frame, i held a sheet of paper over one of the top holes and it ripped it in half tryin to suck it in the box. after that i figured i might ought to make a fairly good size intake on the bottom. this box is going to be sweet. i feel sorry for the poor mouse that get to close to the intake. :)



Well-Known Member
Sorry i haven't posted updates like i usually do. Building that box had eaten up my entire weekend. the cloning thing worked. so that shows you don't have to have high dollar cloner to work. The hydro ak47 is alot bigger than the soil ak47. both were started on the same day. buds are startin to look a little fuller to me. the oddball bud kept stretching up till it hit the light. so i did somethin you probably wont hear to many people do on this website. i trimmed the bud from 16 inches down to 9 inches a couple days ago. i cut it all the way down to where it was when it started that crap. i thought it would be stunted. but today it had new little shoots. . i haven't changed the water out this week. i am debating on what to do. give it plain water or more nutes. its gettin more and more little orange hairs on it. and where the hairs are commin out of, some of them are gettin big. what do yall think?????? another week of massive amounts of nutes??



Well-Known Member
Here is more pics of the box i have been workin on. this is i guess what you would call a second generation box. the one im using being the first. i made the ventilation system wayyyyy better. as you can see, the exhaust up top and 4 (1inch 3/4) intakes at the bottom. i put a shelf above them to block out light and also that small space can be used for powerstrip or pump, etc. In each back corner i have a 2-1/2" by 2-1/2" access hole to the space below. they are raised up and will be painted black on the inside to hopefully block out light. that whole bottom space will be painted black along with the outside and exhaust vent. lets seee...... two places for pad locks, coasters are on bottom for manuverability. i tried to make them hidden. i thought it would make the box look cheap if they were visible. i still have to detail it. seal all the cracks. paint it, and then put a rubber seal around the door. what yall think??? this one is made for an hps with a cool tube. i am going to take the one i have been using to the shop and give it a few updates and make it an LED box. ohhhhh and one thing i definately want opinions on!!!!!!!!!!!! i have to brand this box. once i know what it is i am goin down to the jewelers and haveing a little silver plate with the name engraved on it. then that will be put on the box. i think the silver will stand out against the black. makin it look sharp. so the only names i could come up with is .............Silent Nite( or spelled knight)......Dark Nite (knight)..........Home Grown.............MasterGro................Throw me some new ones



Well-Known Member
Sweet box! I am leaning toward Dro-Zone
thank you. i got alot of hours in that box. i am about to go paint it. Dro-zone is good but sounds like somethin you would buy at a headshop.

Heres a name: Grow-safe
I was tryin to find a name that goes with the security of it and this one is now in my top two choices. the other being Master-Gro. think i like yours better.

I like all those name I also like - The Hot Box
hahahaha i was actually discussin this name today. still kinda goes with drug theme. that said.. i know damn well nobody is goin to buy this and grow hardy boy tomatoes in their closet. there is an orchid club (old women) and he wants to try and gear some of this stuff toward them. those orchids are expensive as hell. When buildin this box i kept u in mind chainseeker. i made sure that no light was goin to get in this box.

I know its not painted yet. i will get pictures of it when im done and another when its in the store with everything in it. yall think 500 is ok for the box.


Well-Known Member
thank u concord. just got it sealed and outside painted glossy black. tomorrow gotta paint the inside flat white and install the fan and duct connectors and its off to the store.


Well-Known Member
im about to take the plant out of the old box and makes some modifications. then that ones goin bye bye also. im still goin to finish this plant. it will just have a ghetto house for the rest of its life.i think that not changing the nutes out last week has actually helped the plant. all i did was add water. i was gettin ready to take it out and figured i would take some pictures first. i am always gome when the lights come on. so what i am goin to do i cover the plant with a big carboard box whenever the lights are suppose to go off.

