First Grow/ Bagseed


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow there are 2 plants on the right and a small one on the left...i just want to know around how much is expected from the 2 in the right...any advice is welcomed also....i have them running on a 400w hps....on 2 autopots...



Well-Known Member
sorry for the phone pics....will take better ones soon...

oh and does anybody know if it takes longer to bud when you grow bagseed?


Well-Known Member
at first it was bionic bloom...but we ran out of that...and now its some type of miracle-gro nutrients because we have no money for more nutrients

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
at what strength you may be over doing it check out plant problems in the grow FAQ's plant abuse chart it shows diff. plants with type toxicities good pics worth a look ...rob


Well-Known Member
i think its 15-30-15....we started off low at first giving her one drop and over the last couple of weeks moved it up to 3 drops...


Well-Known Member
nope no rust spots just yellowing but some do get really brown, wilted, and starts from the bottom to the top...also some of the leaves closer to the top are turning yellow....they are not as dark as they were


Well-Known Member
most of the plants fan leaves are turning yellow is this normal? are they supposed to fall off this quick? its been i think 2-3 months since flowering...