First Grow: Blackberrry, Bubblegum, Mazar, GDP, Af Kush, etc.


Active Member
Here we go. This is my first grow and I've got a 400W MH in a 3x3 closet vegging about 25 clones. I'm using organic soil and CNS17 Grow and Bloom nutrients.

After an early scare with watering schedule and pH, the girls are starting to perk up and grow. Here are some pics.



Well-Known Member
Looking nice. Sorry I just got your message today. How Long have they been since rooting? if its been atleast 2 weeks than Yes go ahead and add nutes. I would start at 1/4th reg strength. So 30 ml would be 7.5 ml. Than if they take that well move up to 15ml the next feeding. Feed no more than once a week and no sooner than every other watering.

Yes new growth will be light green. The fact there is new growth alone is a good sign. Next on watering there is no rush. All you look at is if its 3 or below. Make sure you do nto water till its dry. After awhile you will get the feel for dry. The container will feel so light. But since you had watering issues you have not learned top feel dry.


Active Member
So I am feeling good about the vibes in the garden these days. The Blackberries have perked up, but some more than others. All of the Bubblegum looks great and I scored 6 more of them yesterday. The GDP is rediculous as usual, what a beast she is!

When they all got dry yesterday I went ahead and fed them with about a cup of water each with the 1/4 strength solution. Their leaves had been getting light colored and I believe they were hungry for some nitrogen. They are all looking great today, the new guys were just given a couple cups of water yesterday upon transplanting the cubes into the circular soil pots. These should take a few days to dry, but they are looking very healthy. The other plants should be ready for watering in a couple days.

Pics are the overview, then 4 of the new BGs, a perky Mazar, the GDP, one of the original BGs, and a fully revived BB and a couple of reviving BBs.

I'm a noob, so any advice is welcome...

