First Grow Box Questions -- Leaf discoloration

This is my first attempt at growing. I got some seeds from a friend's batch, and started them off in soil. I have no idea what strain they are, what gender -- I only know they're not tomatoes. Last week I moved them to hydroton and setup an ebb/flow system. I am looking for help with understanding the leaf discoloration symptoms I'm seeing.

Please send me your suggestions. I want to learn how to do this right. I'll post some closeups of the leaves. I'm at about 80F and 35-45% humidity in my box, and about 50% recommended concentration of Shultz 10-15-10 plant food.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I posted this in the "Hydroponics / Aeroponics" section before, but I think this section would be more appropriate.



Well-Known Member
Need more nit . 10/15/10 is more for flowering then vegging . Your plant may also be in shock from the switch from soil to hydro . What are your ppms and you ph ?


im new 2 growin. got some seeds from my supply, darks 1s only, n started germinizin them. i bought a pot wit some soil n gona start growin it in my room. any tips or suggestions hit me up:weed:


Well-Known Member
First of all if you want me to answer your questions pls PM me , dont high jack some elses thread , I will help you all I can and answer any question you have to the best of my abilities . Thank You
Thank you for the quick reply. I will save the 10/15/10 for when the plants approach the maximum height of my grow-box. Can you recommend a nutrient additive that I can use for the vegetative stage?

I checked the pH using a liquid tester made by General Hydroponics. From the looks of it, my pH is between 6.5 and 7.0.

I have no idea what ppms is. If it's something I can easily measure or estimate, I will be able to respond with an answer. I can also take more pictures and post them if you'd like a macro close-up shot on any particular parts of the plants or watering system.


Well-Known Member
I would drop the ph to 6.0 that will help you out alot . PPM are very important when it comes to hydroponics at this stage I wouldnt be any higher them 900 , you will need a ppm pen or meter for this . I use flora nova grow for my hydro systems when vegging with B-seaweed and flora nova broom for flowering with big bud additive works great for me .