First Grow- Cardboard Box


Whoa - nice white, healthy roots. Looking good. Funny about the tupperware - I understand completely. Wife is always wondering about my 'experiments'. :)
"Honey, they're clones, and you can have it back in a week or two... don't get mad... Get Glad!" :blsmoke:


OK! so heres some pics of the now pretty developed plants in Flower- Bear and Cassius... I have to say with a heavy heart, I'm pretty positive these are guys... if they arent males, well then damn!
This isCassius who I had my doubts about...IMG_20121215_165238.jpg
And this is Bear, who played me for a fool the whole time... I loved her the most, then when I turned my back for one second... IMG_20121215_173118.jpg

Am I wrong? Or do these broads have balls?


Yeah so I torched them... First grow, first burn.. And man does that shit stink/linger! lol
I put them in a charcoal chimney with coals at the bottom, thru some paper under it, smoke... smoke... smoke... shit it smells exactly what you would think like but worse! hahah
So i put the chimney in the grill closed the lid to hide the smoke trail, and then cooked burgers on it! :hump:
pics coming in the next day or two of my last plant. I'll take some cuttings give it a week to heal, then 12/12. Any objections?


Well-Known Member
White Sancho - your description of grilling and smoke all over the place is awesome. Your writing is funny as sh#@. Sorry about the gents. Really am. :joint:


White Sancho - your description of grilling and smoke all over the place is awesome. Your writing is funny as sh#@. Sorry about the gents. Really am. :joint:
You're too kind. I think most the credit has to go to young Rob Schneider on my avatar. There's no sound quite as sweet as young Schneider's giggle at Demolition Man's expense- Like baby angels... :eyesmoke: