FIRST GROW EVER!! 2 Critical (Advanced Seeds) 1 unknown strain


New Member
Hey whats up everyone! This is is my first grow ever and I've read a lot of the different journals on here so I just wanted to come on and post mine and hopefully everyone can help me out with any suggestions or tips or just some overall general information.

Right now I'm 10 days in from sprout on 3 ladies. 2 Critical (Advanced Seeds) and 1 unknown strain. Thanks to the super stealth packaging, I dropped the seeds on the floor and wasnt able to seperate them. So it could either be Shark Widow, Auto Fem Purple, Northern Lights x Skunk, or a couple different *freebies* they sent. All 3 are around 6-7 inches tall and they just got their first round of nutes today (fox farm grow big at 1/4 strength)

I'm growing in Dr Earth organic soil cause I was unable to find any foxfarm in my area after searching my ass off for it all over town. The foxfarm nutes came from a buddy of mine who isnt growing anymore. Right now they are under 600w hps and my grow tent is not very big at all. I dont have exact measurements right now but if I were to guess i'd say its about 3x3 and around 6ft tall. The girls have been transplanted once due to not receiving my light and balast on the day it was supposed to be here so they grew under flourescent for about 5 days and became way too tall and linky for the small pots so I had to transplant very early. So far everything looks good! Ill post some pictures tomorrow to show where they are at right now.

I've read up a little on the critical strain and it says that it only recommends 10 days of veg time cause it will get too tall? Is that right? Anyone ever grow this strain? Any and all feedback will be appreciated as this is indeed my "first rodeo"!! so here we go! lol

Thanks in advance


New Member
Hey guys. Its day 11 and I have a few photos taken of the girls but I am not sure as to how to upload them on here. Also, I think im running into a problem with the unknown strain. Theres some spotting on the first set of leaves thats kind of yellowish. I checked the ph of the soil and it was at 5.2 so that may be the problem. I'm going to go and get some dolomite lime tomorrow and hopefully that clears it up. I tested all 3 pots soil and they all were around the same level but the 2 critical girls dont seem to be showing the same signs, so I'm not sure if ph is the problem, but I am still going to get the dolomite lime just to bring things back up a little bit.

If anyone can tell me how to upload photos, id be more than happy to post a couple of pics and maybe someone could help me out as to what the problem is with the unknown strain right now.


New Member
Ahhh ok i figured it out! So heres a couple of phone pics i took today. In order from left to right are critical 1, critical 2 and the unkown strain. On the unknown strain not sure if you can see it very well but the right and left horizontal leaves have some yellowish spots on them. as stated in my previous post, i checked the ph of the soil and it was at 5.2 so hopefully some dolomite lime will clear it up, but if it dosent. any suggestions??



New Member
The two critical girls aren't auto. as for the unknown strain, it could be, but the only auto bean that came was an auto fem purple. I'm not sure if it takes time for the purple color to establish or watever, but so far its green so i dont know if its an auto or not. When i got the beans they were in stealth packaging and when i ripped it open the beans went flying everywhere so I lost track of what was what. They all sprouted roughly around the sametime. I had 4 Critical at first but two died in the car moving them to my grow room. Bummer!


oh alright and for the purplying im pretty sure they start getting there purple color at the end of harvest roughly last 2-3 weeks, and as for the photo you wanted to see of my same age baby View attachment 2864822 hope you dont mind i posted here , jack herrer automatic


New Member
named pic.jpg

Ok so were on day 16 and things seem to be going great for the 2 Critical girls. But the unknown strain is still showing problems. I think i gave it a pretty good case of nute burn from pre mature feeding. I flushed it the best I could and I'm hoping to that it will start to show some signs of improvement. I've also taken the liberty to give them names as to better keep them seperated

Critical 1 (Clarissa)
Critical 2 (Courtney)
Unknown (Celeste)

This photo is from 2 days ago and since then, I've fim'd Clarissa and Courtney and plan to start some lst here soon. I've left Celest alone since shes still showing signs of problems. I will post more pictures in a couple days to show progress.


looking good bro mine are staying short thanks to lst technique haha. My Jack Herrer automatic is a migit compared to yours lol so far looking good G keep up the good work, how big is your pot???


New Member
Hey whats up guys! Its been a while since I posted anything on here, been pretty busy with some things going on here. Anyway, I thought I'd post the progress of the girls so far. Were on day 36 and they've been in 12/12 for 6 days now. And man let me tell you, they were not lying when they say that during flowering the plants grow pretty dramatically. I've been fim'ing and lst'ing them pretty good I'm a little worried that they are going to get too bushy for my tent. So far, I've been giving them light nutes, not even up to 100 % strength. At first I was causing some nute burn from giving them too early, Clarissa and Courtney seemed to handle them fine, but Celeste has been nothing but problems. I've flushed her 3 times and shes still showing signs of having some problems still. Soil run of is around 6.4 to 6.8 every time I water. Soil ph itself is at 6.5 pretty consistantly but she still keep having complications. I'm almost fed up with her! lol. Courtney and Clarissa are doing fine. They had some yellowing on a few of their leaves but I believe that was due to nitorgen deficiency, but that cleared up pretty quick.

This pic is from 1 week ago

4 days ago

Taken today.

As you can see, they're getting quite bushy! I think my tent is going to be pretty cramped here soon. Can this be stressfull on the plants? If so, can I prune or trim from the outer parts of them to somewhat control the bushing? I have a feeling Celeste is gonna go hermie on me, cause that b!tch has been stressed since she sprouted and if that happens I don't want her in there, let alone to be allowed to tangle with the others. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
you can train up to 2 weeks into flower. flowering phase is 40/60 (stretch is 40 and actual flowering is 60%). Celeste is gonna be fine, may not produce as much but I doubt she will hermi. These problems you are having is due to the fertilizer. She is sensitive, mabey a tab more than a normal auto. If you flush and feed the same plant in the same day........that's a problem.( just sayin)


New Member
Awesome! Yea, they've gotten kinda outta control. I'm going to try and grab some bamboo stalks or something to tie them to. And I've never flushed and fed on the same day. They got some nutes and i mean very light nutes... like drops in a gallon of water.. pretty early on at like day 10, but I never gave them anything else until day 21. She started showing burns and I immediately flushed then transplanted.. She got another very light nute feeding when i switched to 12/12 and its the same thing... And to be honest, I'm not sure if she's an auto or not. She was one of the seeds that scattered while opening the packaging. lol..

anyway, today I was looking over her and I'm noticing her stems are starting to turn purple (Magnesium?? *sighs*), but she has preflowers. Cant tell if they have pistils or not yet, but something is there. i'll post a couple pics tomorrow of what they look like.


Active Member
well if she is an auto, the first thing your gonna see is the intermodal spacing will elongate and stager. (asymmetrical) That's an indication she is preparing to reproduce soon after the "stretch" then floral clusters develope. Purple stems are usually a mag deficiency. Calcium is not too far behind, so I would fix this before he goes into flower, when ever that may be.


New Member
And this is where the plot thickens...grrr.. I don't want to give any more nutes due to her overwelming sensitivity. How could I fix te magnesium problem?? Can I add some dolomite lime to her water?? Or should I give her a light feeding either foilar or through her watering??


Active Member
If its just mg, then yes I would foliar. But with ca, then that has to be a soil. So I just always add 150ppm of ca/mg to any water/feed I give.


Well-Known Member

Hey Xtito....

Subscribed to your Journal. :)
plants are looking well dude, we have started round about the same time, I've just started a grow and a journal as well,it's my fourth grow ... Check it out

Good luck mate .....


New Member
Hey whats up guys! just in for a quick update.

Celeste winded up goin hermie on me so I chopped her/him down. There was a few people on here who told me to just try and pull the pollen sacks off but there were just too many and I didnt wanna risk any pollination happening. So I'm left with just the two Critical girls and theyre doin awesome from what I can see.

Were in day 14 of 12/12 and there's about 20+ spots on each where i'm seein flowers start to show. They're also really starting to smell so I put a carbon filter with a 4 in inline fan in the tent. Not sure if thats too much for such a small space but it's definitely doing the trick for smell control. Both girls are gettin big! I really think I went a little overboard with the LST and Fim'ing cause they're pretty bushy, but since then I've stopped and they've starting to stretch upward more. I actually dropped a couple more of the unknown seeds in some dirt to germ today cause I'm going to get another tent going soon so i have them in their to sprout. Heres a few pics of the progress.
