First grow ever.. Is my setup good for 3 plants? Advice and comments please!


New Member
Im starting out with 3 Northern Light seeds in my 6 sq/ft closet. Ill be growing in Coco Coir with Perlite in 3 gallon Smart Pots and using Canna Coco A&B for the nutes. Ive read that 7000 lumens per sq ft is ideal for quality buds. So I need 42,000 lumens cause ill be growing in a 6 sq/ft closet. So Im getting 11x65w CFL bulbs getting at max of 4,000 lumens, also im mixing the 65004K & 2700K lights for both growth stages. I just want to make sure that this lighting will be fine for my 3 plants and my set up is good for a first time grower??? Please any advice would help and be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
715w for 11 x 4000L????


Lot of $$$ on Bulbs and Leccy!!!!



EDIT: Yeah 420god is right, but is a Noob...

Just checked but that's 715w per hr for 11 points of 4000 L at 2-3 inches a 600w Hps will give you 90,000 L...just a consideration IF you gonna be burning that much juice...



Well-Known Member
Aye up North, nah I wasn't saying he should get a 600w just the difference in Bulbs>Lumens>Leccy...not to mention the Cost of Bulbs in first place...CFL are cheap but Buying 11 gonna Cost $$$



Well-Known Member
I can only tell you that you are on your own. Tell no one.

We can only give our experiences. And I wish you Bon Chance! Yes, it is good. Is it really good? Really, really good? Kinda good? See what I mean?

You can show pictures. But, all I want to see is the buds. The Buds tell the entire story. So, I don't use nutes anymore. Just plain old plant food. I don't change food, anymore, just concentration changes. Everything about Nutes is incorrect, and not for cannabis. It is for Euro Indoor food crops, etc, etc. They sell it for cannabis, and some does work. But, I just use 16-16-16 Sea Grow and I add Cal/Mag and Silica. Miracle Grow works just fine if you add Cal/Mag. Silica makes for strong stems.

So, the last thing you want and what I will rarely give, is advice. But, for you I will pass on my clues. You have to do experiments. There is no perfect way or system There is only your excellent way, in your system. It won't be excellent at first. It is all your Location, Situation, and Funds.

So. Here is a fact. Forget lumen. For a very technical reason that only the plant can appreciate, you only care about foot-candles. And it takes 10.76 lumen per sq meter, to make up the energy of 1 foot candle. That is energy received. Lumen is radiance emitted.

Sun Power, or the max density of photons at the surface of the leaf outdoors at sea level, is about 10,000 foot candles. OK? So, do some math. Look up some specs. My 1000w HPS bloom light get Sun Power at 25 inches. My 250 CFL, gets that at 8 inches.

Also, the only thing that matters for energy density of the arriving photons, is actual watts of work. Dissipated watts is work. Apparent watts is a scam.

So, 11 x 65w (actual or scam?) = 715w actual, is more than plenty in a closet. I use 250w in a 32x32" tent.

Mixing colors? Absolutely. If we could afford it, we would blast 10K FC, indoors. But, that is not needed and expensive, so we pump watts in the best colors.

So much Lore, about the gear doesn't matter. But, that lumens per watt business, in LED misses the point, I think. It is only total watts. And it is OK to leave out the middle colors, around 4000K.n A waste of watts.

The main thing that matters now for your success is to get roots. Don't over water. Make the roots go on the hunt. (details in my journal) Do not throw clone sized plants in 3 gals and wonder why you can't feed them. They are water logged already, and stalled. Been there.

I start clones in 10 oz of wet feed coco coir, and wait a week, no water. Then into a 6" azalea wet feed pot, wait a week, no water. Then I have roots I can begin to water every day in a completely drained medium. But, whatever you do, you have to start in small rooting cups first.



Well-Known Member
That does help. sorry if my questions are lame.. I just wanna make sure my first grow will be good.
What Doer wrote is absolutely correct
but, with light, there are SO MANY ways to quantify and measure the intensity, the colour, the heat....

As a beginner I would keeps things simple and follow the rule that
"40w per sq ft" is the approx. amount needed.

I have a 16sq ft space with 600w MH (37.5w/sq ft) for VEG and 1000w HPS (62.5w/sq ft) for FLOWER.

If you can mix colours - do so,
If you must choose just one - duel spectrum is the best all round lamp
then HPS.
MH (blue) are great for VEG but produce less yield, when used for flower, than HPS.

I would also advise any beginner to avoid LED's.
They're just too unpredictable without a good knowledge.

While ever you ask question that are obviously seeking confirmation for the research you have ALREADY done,
there are no such things as LAME QUESTIONS and most will gladly offer you their help.

"I have 3 plants, will I get an ounce off each plant?"



Well-Known Member
What North said is absolutely correct. I just think about it this way. We can see a candle flame at 10 miles in good conditions, barely. Almost no energy density left.

But, a foot away from your eye, is a different matter. :) And coverage of course. And spacing, of course. And how big will you grow them. To prune or not to prune?

And there is the old saw of a gram per watt. So, if I have, say, 4 plants under 1000w for 8 weeks, I should get 1000 grams. Over two pounds.....NO.

That is a semi-mythical goal. 1/2 gram per watt? We will see.