First grow ever... Pics Included


This is my first grow ever. I would appreciate some suggestions or tips after reading my details and checking out my pics.
The plant is 7 weeks old and 22" tall. I was told it was Afghan from the guy who gave it to me. I am using Miracle grow potting soil and MG nutes during the veg stage. Only had two 100W equivalent CFL's during veg stage. Do you think the plant looks a bit streched?
I am now 5 days into flowering and added 2 150W eq CFL's to the side. All lights are 2700K. I also started using Schultz Bloom plus nutes with 10-54-10. Do you think those are to high of phosphate levels?
Now that I have the 2 side lights the leaves have started to turn downward. Is that just so they can recieve more light?
Do you think two 100W and two 150W eq CFL's is enough light to produce a decent amount of bud for this plant? Approximate yeild?
Thanks for your help.



Well-Known Member
I would say add 3 or 4 more of those bulbs to flower . but i have never tryed to flower with cfl's so i really dont know ....... but it just dont look like enough light to produce more than a few grams, maybe someone with more cfl experience will help you out. Good luck either way!
p.s. dont forget to flush those nutes out for at least a week prior to "pick" , those are very stong nutes so be careful! i would really recommend switching to all organic nutes, but thats just me..........but that shultz is very strong, so just go easy on her................and she does look like a "gani" too.


Active Member
What I've learned here during the short time I've been here is that talking EQ wattages for CFL bulbs is pointless. Much better when talking in real CFL output. I'd say you have enough lights to get you through the whole lifestage of the plant. I started out with one 13W CFL (lmao I know) and the plant got pretty damn tall. I just started adding more lights during the flowering stage & it's got a pretty decent sized nug on the top. Check the pix out in my thread on the first page. You should be yielding more than I will since you have more lights than I did. I'll let you know how much I get off mine, should be ready to harvest in two-three weeks.


I am now 21 days into flowering and have added 2 more cfl's. The plant is 28" tall. I have been switching up my fertilizers by using a flowering fert and molasses every other time.
This is my first grow and I cant believe how exciting it has been. I must look at it 3 times a day.


grow space

Well-Known Member
looking good man.put those lights closer about an inch away.cas cfls has a really low light penetration level.

keep up the good work....


I am now at day 30 of flowering and have noticed the hairs on the buds are turning a red color. I have been told it is an afghan strain, but he never said anything about red hairs. Is this something I should be worried about?
Also, my fan leaves are turning yellow and I have lost 4 in the last 10 days. I have heard yellow leaves are normal in the flowering stage, but does this seem like excessive?
Thanks for you input.



Well-Known Member
yes , use that glass to tell, the glands will start turnin foggy , and anytime after that is time. That is some crazy red, thats pretty as fuck!!


I am now at day 42 of flowering. A lot of the fan leaves have died off. Also, the plant hasn't grow in height for almost 2 weeks. Most of the trichs are getting cloudy but none have turned amber yet. I steam dried some in the microwave and it tasted just a good as any weed I have had before. I cant wait to try some properly dried and cured! Also, there are a lot of tiny fly looking bugs that mostly stay in the dirt but fly once and a while too.



Active Member
Id say, cover the dirt with some sand, tho you are so close to harvest that it really doesnt matter. That cola is beautiful. Hope mine is half as pretty! Congrats on the grow. +rep

Docter Dope

I could be wrong but i think red hairs indicate that it is coming to the end of the grow.
Also i think that if you harvest before they turn red you will get a more hgh effect fom the bud.. if you let them go about 70% red they will be a more of a stoney efect.


Well-Known Member
I could be wrong but i think red hairs indicate that it is coming to the end of the grow.
Also i think that if you harvest before they turn red you will get a more hgh effect fom the bud.. if you let them go about 70% red they will be a more of a stoney efect.

sorry doc but the red HAS NOTHING to do with harvest time! Some folks kinda go by what the hairs look like , but it is not accurate . On his strain IT IS PURELY genetics . Thats why it has that beutiful pinkesh red! "regular" red hairs do not look like that , plus that plant probly has a couple more weeks to go.
What strain is that?