First grow ever!!!

its a sunblaze running 4 40watt t5s so 160 watts the big ones are about 6 weeks the small ones about 3 or 4 weeks ive only had the sunblaze for 2 weeks now and have had lots of growth and the lights 15 on and 9 off.


Active Member
if your not flower you need more than 16 hrs of light like 16/8 im a 24/0 guy or 18/6 anything less than 16 will induce flowering and your plants are not ready to flower click my star you owe me bottom left of this post

420 Dream Team

Active Member
WOW...Some take this rep + thing way to seriously lol............bagseed or did you get good ones? Personally I think they are a bit small...but still look healthy( which is good)...but if you only been using the t5 for 2 weeks not sure what u had going before that....How far away are u keeping the light? I would suggest longer light periods.....I am a fan of 24 hours but I am biased lol....18/6 always good

Miss M


not bad for your first go; much more sophisticated than my first attempt for sure. i might try moving some more light closer to the plants if you can. fluros can be placed as close as 2" from the leaf surface without getting burned. i don't think you have enough light for the amount of plants you're pulling right now but 420 was right, they look healthy. if you got them some more light they would take off. and there's no right answer here but i'm a fan of 20 light 4 dark; saves a little electricity and i've noticed more stem growth compared to those who get 24/0 (the difference in leaf growth was negligible)

you really get what you pay for with this hobby; investing about 150 in a 250 or 400 hps would pay for itself after one grow. just a thought.

click my star you owe me bottom left of this post
well that would explain why some plants i can already tell the sex and im thinking of gettin a 250 watt hps for flowering and justgtting more t5s for veg but u think it will hurt them to much to put more light time on them? but there just bag seeds the and the lights about a foot away from the top. there also have had no nuts yet not sure if i will use any yet any ideas? thanks


increasing the light schedule to 18/6 or 20/4 shouldn't hurt them. but if you're going to be flowering 7 plants under a 250 hps you're going to want to keep them small, as in you could probably start flowering now. it would be sort of 12/12 from seed yield (7-14 gr per plant) but might be the best option if all 7 are confirmed fems (you said you could identify them already?)

as for nutes, you just have to find what you like. i use humboldt, most ppl like fox farm, some botanicare. sure u can grow without them but using them for flowering will improve the quality of buds and your yield just be careful to introduce them to the girls slooooowly (never start with recommended dosage, 1/4 at most) overferting can kill your yield.
these only 2 that you can tell here are some pics of the 2 im pretty sure there girls but can i try to keep veging them? if not ill just chop them..and im only gonna try to flower 2 plants at a time recomended light? closet grow..girly3.jpggirly2.jpggirly.jpg


Well-Known Member
not bad looking, but I would suggest moving lights much much closer to plants. I have a 4' 8-tube and keep it within 2 inches of the tops with just a $12 oscillating fan blowing on the bulbs. Without the fan I could get 3-4 inches. The response you see from t5's being that close is remarkable, and you'll find that closeness ends up dictating much of the way you use t5's in the future.

Light schedule is huge too (as mentioned). I run 24/0 and see remarkable growth as well as accelerated root growth (a common reason I hear people complain about 24/0, but I found my roots grow significantly faster with no dark period). I cut back to 18/6 if I need to slow down growth, and it does significantly slow growth when I cut to 18/6.
ok ill trying moveing the light closer and i do have a fan as well blowing 24 hrs there strong litttle plants i hope there gonna do well


the 250 will work great for two plants; didn't realize you had a separate space for flowering. and those pretty little white hairs are def some early female flowers.
:bigjoint:ok so what should i do about the little girls? and yes i do have a separate room for flowering i plan on takeing the closet that the plants are in now and flowering in there and vegging in a bigger closet good idea?


let them veg till there about a foot and then throw them under your hps at 12/12. keep in mind your plants will double (sometimes triple) in size during flowering and the penetrative power you have with a 250 is limited so switching their light cycle before they're a foot might not be a bad idea.

using a feed that's made made for bloom will help trigger flowering. i use humboldt's oneness and ginormous (ffof soil), starting at 2 ml of each per gallon and i've had decent results but i'm still a noob with only 2 successful grows and haven't tried anything else, so take my advice for what its worth.

good luck mane :bigjoint:


hey they're coming along... it takes em a minute when they revert. the one on the front right looks a little wind-blown, and are you trimming the lower branches? cloning? or are they just stretched? with a 250 i wouldnt let them get over a ft during veg or your light might not be able to penetrate all the bud sites come the 4th week of flowering

happy growing