first grow following seemorebuds "buds for less"

Alright i first off want to say hello to all the fellow growers out there. secondly, this is not my first grow. I grew one plant before, but it was not done correctly, at all. Im surprised I even got what i got out of her. which was a little less than oz. but now i took my time iwth the setup following the book as closely as possible. For this grow im using a seed that is supposed to be white widow(got it from a bag), so im unsure of the sex as of right now. this white widow seed was planted just about 2.5 weeks ago and has already began to flourish in the vegetative stage. every day new leaves are beginning to form and the plant is wider than it is tall. I am using 1 85 watt cfl. 3 42 watt cfls, and 4 23 watt cfls. they are all warm white(2700k), i know this is not ideal for vegetative, but by following this book the plants are only grown for about 3 weeks under 18/6 lighting, and then switched to 12/12. so i saw no need in getting the 6500k.

Below i got a few pictures of the plant and also one with the fixture for the lights. i know the one is upside down but i dont feel like rotating it right now haha. well hopefully you guys like what i got so far and feel free to any suggestions i always wanna make it better. so let me know what you think!



Hey man I'm new on here as well. I was enjoying his book so much up I threw up some supplemental lighting and sunk it in available pockets in the terrain.

Check out the pistils very closely on day 67 of his book though, there is a crappy brown pen overlay on some of them and I'm thinking, totally bogus! I believe his method overall is sound but that was a real letdown to see. I looked at the last two days more closely after noticing that and find the trichrome advancement hard to believe for a single day. I think everything in there is legit except for maybe the timing, like there is an extra couple of days-week between day 67-68.

And to Mr Buds, sorry to throw you under the bus, but, not cool. If you're putting out what should be a guide book it shouldn't be doctored. And if I'm wrong and it all really happened in 68 days then I'm sorry but explain yourself for the photoshopping.

Keep up the posts HTH, I know working on it sucks when no one's looking, I'm just getting going too.



Well-Known Member
its still a great fuckin book and a good guide. so what "if" he photoshopped pictures its just a general guide and something great to look at


Well-Known Member
and actually its very possible for that amount of trichomes to appear in a day he was also using a Co2 bucket in there. you never see it but he brings it up in the beggining. and dude im following this is you keep posting pictures i like the setup


Well-Known Member
Hey man I'm new on here as well. I was enjoying his book so much up I threw up some supplemental lighting and sunk it in available pockets in the terrain.

Check out the pistils very closely on day 67 of his book though, there is a crappy brown pen overlay on some of them and I'm thinking, totally bogus! I believe his method overall is sound but that was a real letdown to see. I looked at the last two days more closely after noticing that and find the trichrome advancement hard to believe for a single day. I think everything in there is legit except for maybe the timing, like there is an extra couple of days-week between day 67-68.

And to Mr Buds, sorry to throw you under the bus, but, not cool. If you're putting out what should be a guide book it shouldn't be doctored. And if I'm wrong and it all really happened in 68 days then I'm sorry but explain yourself for the photoshopping.

Keep up the posts HTH, I know working on it sucks when no one's looking, I'm just getting going too.
What are you talking about those pistils are NOT brown. I don't even know what you are talking about.

I read this whole book last night it's amazing. Never knew growing could be so simple, quick and affordable.


Well-Known Member
cant wait for the pics man. i dont really give a fuck about if he photo shopped a picture or not hes got his own book and dvds obviously hes doin something right.
alright so im throwing up a few pictures today that were taken yesterday. it shows the white widow, and then a new seed that was germinated last week and sprouted it already has its first true leaves grown in and the second pair are well on the way. the bigger plant, is going to be put into flowering prolly at the end of this week depending on how it looks at the time. everything seems to be going pretty well. no nutes or anything as of right now just ph balanced water and soil.

i will probably be topping these two plants. i have never done it before but im pretty sure from what ive seen on here i can get it right but i was wondering when the best time to top a plant would be. should i do it now and then let it stay in veg a few extra days or can i also do it in the early weeks of flowering.

hopefully more people will start to follow this and then i can get more opinions on what im doing right or wrong. remember im willing to learn. constructive criticism is highly recommended. thanks guys more pics up in a few days



Well-Known Member
well if your going to put it into flowering at the end of the week id do it soon you dont want to do it when its flowering
Hey guys I know I haven't updated in a while but hopefully tonight I can get the pictures. The plants are both doing fabulous. I fimmed the white widow 4 days ago now. Itwas my first fim so idk if its worked yet or not. What's the worst that could happen if it wasn't done correctly? The other plant is still small but has left the seedling stage and is growing new leaves everyday. So yea there's the update. Pics will be up latr tonight. And thanks for evryone who has been following and helpin me out. I appreciate it

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
i was going to tell you that if your planning on doing it like the book and putting into flower at around 18 days topping probably isn't the best idea because the plant's veg cycle is so fast you need all the growth you can get I would probably let her go a little longer so the new shoots develop before putting into flower and also plant a few more seeds man if you got one you might as well have a few I always plant at least 3 and your still not guaranteed a female. Whatever you decide though gl


Are you using CO2?

I made a cheap CO2 generator for my ladies vegging and there is an obvious difference in the ones close to it and the ones further away, I would highly recommend it. Just a half packet of bakers yeast with a couple cups of sugar in a plastic milk jug with 4 small holes in the top. $4 maybe, lots cheaper than a regulator/tank for a small area. If after a week or so you will know to add more sugar/water if when you shake it, it doesn't emit a little gas. I cover the holes with the palm of my hand and when I shake it, if I can't feel the milk jug expand I'd add more. I'm going on almost 2 weeks with 3 cups sugar/.3 packets of yeast though, so it does go for a while.

The ladies close to a jug started out an inch or more shorter than the rest but are now taller by 5.-1 inches after 2 weeks.
Despite the 'cheap' aspect I'd say its a great way to supplement growth.
Alright so im finally updating the pics. the plant that has been Fimed is finally to grow some new shoots or atleast i think. so i took a pic of the very top of the plant that was fimed so you can let me know if i did it right or not, because im not even sure if i did it right since it was my first time doing so. also i found in my garage some miracle grow plant food. its 15-30-15, and i was wondering if i could use it throughout the entire grow. well hoefully you can help me out with the never ending questions that i seem to have. and hope you all like the pics!


oh kakkakka, i like your idea about the co2, i think i will have to invest a few bucks into that. thanks for the idea


I took my chances on tyhat 15 30 15 fert and I think its workin out pretty well. The newer growth seems to be growing in fuller and grenner. Thought id just give a quick update. Ill have pics up tomorrow night
Hey poke smot. I took your advice and watered with just regular water the other day and the plants seemed to recover. The leaves are now laying flat instead of curling. This Friday I'm switchng over to flowering. I'm very excited. Let's hope for females!!