First Grow Help


Hi everyone,

I'm sure this gets asked a lot and I've read all the stickied guides and everything on here, but wanted some feedback for my first grow.

Planned on doing 2 plants in a 1'x2' setup.

Planned on getting 5 feminized seeds from a bank.

Planned on getting a small fan for ventilation.

Planned on getting a 150w HPS bulb (something like this): HERE

Planned on using some local soil.

Planned on getting basic nutrients for it.

Is this all I need? Will I need a flourescent bulb for the first few weeks or can I use the HPS all the way through?

Thanks in advance guys!


Well-Known Member
You can use hps all the way but your plants wont be as good as if you used 6500k(color temp) cfls. And you would also save money on your electric bill if you used cfls for the start. around 6500k color temp of a light is more blueish white light which is optimal for growth during vegetative state. hps are usually a lower range of color temp a warmer/more red kinda light which wouldnt be as good as cfl for vegging. Hps are prime for flowering because of their low color temp which is needed during flowering. Around 2500k give or take 500k is the proper color temp. That buld you posted is 2000k which would be good for flowering. But if you really have to it'll still work under hps. Some people use MH for veg because metal halide bulbs tend to be of a higher color temp like cfls. But cfls work very well and a cheaper electric bill. :) happy smokin


Well-Known Member

i did alot of what u did i am hoping u will listen and save yourself some headaches

1 get yourself bigger area 1x2 is not enough for 2 plants u need atleast 2x2 for 2 plants...they will bush up and be on the walls before u know it
2 get yourself femized auto seeds ........this takes out the whole light varible for now they like both lights
3 get yourself foxfarm ocean forest soil ......this stuff is blend mostly for weed and will give u best results local soil it cost more to enrich it then just buying a bag ( u can get some from amazon what is 18 bucks for 3 gallons free shipping )
4 get yourself a go box .........they are simple and very easy to use 40 bucks and comes with complete set u need for atleast 6 plants of autos
5 order yourself a set of 1 ml pipettes makes mixing up the stuff much easier .........before u feed a auto plant make sure u read up they do not need as much with as photos do........and that soil is good should be all u need for most of the grow until getting to bud thicking and stinkafing it

i told u this so u would get a better first time result then i did ..........i have a 19 day old auto with 4 branches showing from the fan leaves using this soil first was local soil and i did not see this untill the 6th week in flowering

the link to the auto seeds was just so u could see them the rest is up to u where to order from personally i like attitude seed bank since they will always get to u (if they get stoped just prove it to attitude and they will send a 2nd shipment free of charge and a thrid untill they get to u )


Active Member
welcome to your first grow
the grow area does seem a little small ( a cabinet?) but with training it will be fine. (mine is actually smaller)
justugh is right on all points i would just add make sure you keep the grow area well ventilated and keep those temps down :) if it does get too hot? you might consider led lights
keep us posted and post some pics :)


Thanks for the feedback guys! Will definitely take it into consideration! :)

How much of an electricity price jump should I expect with this?

And also, how bad will the smell be?

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
depends on the lights u pick the timing and the fan

i am at 1000watts for 19 hours and 150 watts for the other 5 hours plus a stil a few times a month .........the way the bills works it is 75 bucks(according to rate per kilowatt hour and doing math) more power but the increase is spread out over time the increase has been 25 to 35 more a month on my bill (but part of that is stil running too )

as for the smell it is going to be stank if u are doing it correctly the one man said about air exchange this is the big thing.... your air is small i do not know how tall .........if this is a hidden keep on the Downlow u will need a carbon scrubber or a venting path to higher ground (up a chimme/ tho a attic vent/ connected to sewer gass pipe) something is how wind works at ground lvl if the wind is going 6 mps a hour 20 feet up it is moving at 16 miles a hour and anouther 20 feet 36 miles a hour if u are high enough or have it venting high enough if in windy area u should not need a scubber

if u give me the diamentions of your work area i will help work out the the air volume u need to move ..............but really this is from my own work with autos.....u really should give each plant 1.5 feet of space sqaure

if u have the money and the spot to put it my honest advice would be to buy a secret jardin 120 tent (4x4x6.5) with a 1000 watt hid system with cool tube 6inch .....and then add in 400 cfm inline active air fan with a speed controller...with insulted flexable ducting (so air does not heat up).......u can run a passive intake but if the light leaking is a issuse u can use some of the ducting and make a air filter box/light blocker (ask and i will tell )

the set up would be about 600 bucks u could do 4 plants easy 5 or 6 if u trained and controlled them ............but that amount of light plus that fan speed will keep the tent cool and give u the maximum yeilds in soil or hydro ...............this set up would be good for several months if not year and half and well my cost are running 90 bucks a plant i was buying weed 400 a months ...............if the plant makes me 1 oz i can sell it for 3 times what it cost me to make 1 to recover the cost 2 so i can double up next grow and 3 for my time and effort my area 270 a oz is a deal the best ppl were getting was 350 a oz and my stuff is stronger fresher and has not been steped on (ppl picking and cutting out all the good stuff before it gets to ppl) .............i have blowen more then 1500 in 2 months getting set up and i am broken even plus a oz for aug and one for july with a profit of 500 bucks to use on bills (pay off those things)


Thanks for the help!

I'd be going out of my attic, highest part of my house. Smell could be an issue, would a carbon filter help a lot? And how are those set up?

Lastly, what should the light schedule be using the flourescent bulb first then the HPS? And also watering schedule?



Well-Known Member
the scrubber is the shit it will remove all smell from the air ......but it is only good for about a year and then the carbon in it needs replacement or u need to buy a new one if not refillable .............this is the important thing to rem with scrubbers ........the CFM cubic feet a min needs to match the fans top speed ( so if the fan is 400cfm the carbon scrubber needs to be a 400cfm too that would make it a 6''x16'')

on auto plants u can do 24/0 (the first number is on time the last is off time) they will grow and then flower on there own so u do not need to worry about the timing to much this time ..............i personal like mine on a 19/5 timing for the whole grow (during light hours the plants use co2 to grow they convert it to oxygen ....bbut during night hours they use oxygen and covert it to anouther form of if u have a co2 set up helping the plants u can run 24 hours and get the best results but if u are not running it the best growth u see is during those 5 hours off since the owygen content is much higher then Co2 )

since this is the first grow for yah ...........we have set u to worry only about the air venting /area that the plants need to grow and the feeding .............the rest of it will take care of itself

as for watering u need a probe tester like 20 bucks it will let u test the soil in the middle and the bottom to see if water is in there / if the plant needs more after awhile u learn the weight in the hand so u pick it up and it feel light so u need water feels heavy u are good for a day .................this is my method of water plant seed in jiffy plug then put plug into middle of planter cover with dirt give one cup of water around the edge of the plug walk away for 4 days .....then 1 cup water again wait 3 days ....week 2 now i up it to 2 cup of water every 48 hours ...week 3 this is what u need a walmart spray bottle from graden section (the bottle has fluid oz marks on the side 2 cups of water equals 8 fl oz of water week 3 u need to increase that 12 16 or 18 fl oz ................then week 4 u will be at the maximum 24 fl oz or 32 fl oz

and u hold there untill u cut the plant for timing if u are using soil bags that breath and release the water into the air 24 to 36 hours is the watering times if it is a planter like plastic or clay u are looking at watering every 48 hours to 72 hours

u will mess up and over water we all do the first few times ...........just take it slow and keep notes and reactions to it so later on u can tweak it and get into the groove that works for u and the plants


Well-Known Member
as for hooking them up i can not help there untill i know what system and all u are using ..............but it is simple to hang u can utube video it all over the place


Thanks bro! Taking everything you said into mind and because of you definitely going with auto's. :)

Picked up these 2 lights today.

Will these work?

Light 1

Light 2

Hopefully I got the right ones!


Well-Known Member
yes they could but u are going to be in deep shit really quick .................i started of with cfl and then moved to a t5 and then to a hid

cfls once the plant bushes are not effective do to the need of more to cover the area and building the u add more to it the heat amount increases to

if u are going for on the cheap but has the most effective results here it is
u said a 1x2 so that means u picked a spot
light 1 .............use this for the growth stage .......u can change the bulbs out with a set of 3000k for the flowering ....they come with 6500k u need 3000k...or one of each for the whole time
light 2.............u can get a clip on light in the work light section make sure it is rated 150watt your bulb is 120 ......this gets the middle and lower bud sites with maximum goodness........u need 2 one for each plant

to hang the light take some eyebolts/hook with screw in (2 choices u work them in the top of the thing by hand then take it out and put in something good..... lock nut/ jb weld /gorilla glue or u drill it then do the good stuff and then put it in but u need the good stuff saftey).............u need rachet rope hooks if the hooks are to big for eyebolts u can make a loop with string and hook in the loop

this will take up the whole space u said u have ............the air intake is at the bottom.......u need to have a hole somewhere at the least to let the air in (this is passive system ) .............up top of your area u need to make this carbon scrubber yourself and this 80 cfm booster fan as for attaching it u have to do that u hang it at the top of the area and make a hole.....hole ducting fan ducting carbon scrubber is the order .......when u do this u want to have the intake hole on the other side from the exhust hole this gets u the best venting with passive

as for power u make a hole and get a hole cover and then a power strip with timer i put the power stirp inside and bolt it down the ......u plug the t5 and the clip on lights when u use them into side with timer on it other side have the fan in .......your fan must always suck the air out so plants get cool fresh air always

and here is the part no one has told u yet ............make the holes plan where u are going to attach the hooks and how u want to hang the fan and scubber before u put anything up hang anything (u made the holes tho ) u need to line the whole inside with panada film ......silver side showing u can use some double side tape and glue....look at videos about wallpapering..............cut away the stuff blocking the holes and then u start adding in all the hardware for mouinting power strip and hanging the whole thing............foil does not work it only keeps the heat in this stuff is made for light defusing for plants u need it 100% no shit cough up the cash

this is the cheapest system i am willing to help u make anything other then this one i would not be a good amish fucker for allowing u to make something that is not decent ...........this system as it stands built here is the lowest work i am willing to allow my name to be posted on my first one would do u a much better job but this one will get u 14 grams a plant maybe 20