first grow juss needed input and advice..


Active Member
Ok this is my first grow i have one plant right now and im germinating 5 more bagseeds. This is my setup for now till i fill the rest of the pots. my room is about 5' tall 2'wide and 3'length. I soon will put an exhaust and intake fans in, also i have a 250 watt hps light that will go in as well. im plannig on using both the 250 hps with 4 42 watt cfls and 4 13 watt cfls for side lighting. i know that foil is no good im plannig on pulling it out soon as i get my emergency blankets(mylar). I just wanted to know if my setup would be ideal for the room size? Also if you guys see anything that can be better for my grow room please let me know what i can do. any thing and everything is greatly appreciated...oh and my plant is about 6 days old since it cracked....hope its a girl....



Well-Known Member
I dont mean to rag on you. I'm just tryin to help you out. You asked for advice right? So heres mine..
First, I think you might have a hard time controling temps later on with more light and just an ocilating fan. All that foil on the wall is just going to reflect heat. If you are going to stick with the foil because you can not afford mylar or white paint. It is best to use the dull side to help prevent heat spots and possible plant burn. Since it looks like you covered the entire room with it already. With all that foil you probably coud have just bought a $25 roll of 2mil thinck mylar from your local hydro store.
Your also deffinantly going to need a way to get all that hot air out of your grow space via a fan near the top half of the room. By the way l like that size of the room you have, is it a walk-in closet?
Now to the lights. For flowering you really should be used a bluer range of light to mimic summer time light. I could be wrong, but it looks like your using 2, 42w, 2700k lights. try using 4, 26w, 6500k lights in replacement and save the 42's for flowering. Also something pretty important is you really need a small fan blowing cooler air on your lights so that you can keep them 2 inches from foliage.
good luck with the grow.


Active Member
koo thanks alot for your input.yea this is just a start but im soon to put 2 fans at the top one for exahuast and one for intake. just waiting for pay day and i'll post it up.already made improvments and its getting better. but yup thanks ill take what u said and use it thanks. oh and also the room is a low cieling walk-in closet. right on though bro;-)


Well-Known Member
I messed up in something I said. I ment to say you should use a bluer range of light like 6500k for the "VEG" stage not flower, My bad homie!