First Grow...Mutated Plant.....Detailed Pics


Well-Known Member
Cool, will be waiting :)
Wat bugs do u have? I wrote up a help thread in the bugs section, give it a glance n hit me up if u have any questions..
Peace :peace:

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
Im not 100% sure the bugs, but they are little mini flys... they annoy the fuck outta me i think they might me mites? idk thanks for the helpl

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
not sure if you knew but i chopped my little Kush also, i have pics of her dryinga page or 2 back, it takes like 4 days to a week hanging, than i cure for a week or two.
Im just gonna burp the jar every day and when she stops getting moist ill be smokin :)
I just smoked a blunk of the kush, its kiler!!!
Once the pics are allowed to uppload ill pinish what i started with that post..


Well-Known Member
Kool Kool Ill go check it out, I think I saw the Kush harvest. But Ill go look again,lol! (short term memory loss,lol)

Kool Looking forward to pics!


ShoAL paTroL

Well-Known Member
we grow lots of kush plants with 3 leafs.its pretty much the norm for some of our strains.this is some of my outdoor that had alot of 3 leaf sets.


Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
I dried one plannt and andd the shits gone already, it was 14 grams so i got a half off of the weaker plant...
The next two i chop ill throw some piccss..
oh yeah it smokess goooddddd :) lol
The pics of one plant drying pics (some pics wont load...ill try to get them upp here)


Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
Thanks howak!
I chopped her really early and already smoked/sold that bud,
My next two plants are going to be ripe so its gonna look/smoke way better
thanks for stoppin in


Well-Known Member
Damn CG, Shit looks great. you said u got a half out of it? i would have smoked a Q then pushed a Q.

how soon until you harvest the bigger ones?


Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
i need to before thanksgiving :/
Hopefully it will be close to ripe, if not it will still be beter than the bud i just got out of
the half ounce just dried..
thanksss dac


Active Member
broooo long time no talk mann but damn harvest looks scchrumshush...haha looks hella dank
wish i could burn a bowl with u man haha
best of wishes..when u startin up again?