First grow Need advice


I got a few plants in my closet I have been trying to grow, I got a flourescent light near the ceiling of my closet, & books, etc stacked up with the pots laying on top. I can't really get them any closer to the light, they seem to be growing fine. One has broke through the soil already and is a few inches tall & looking healthy. I am using nutrients as well, I will move them into bigger pots later & transplant them outside to grow when they get bigger. If you have any advice, tips, etc please post them. This is also my first attempt at growing weed. When do i have to switch up the cycle? I am on an 18/6 lighting schedule. i don't expect to get top quality bud, but i will try my best. & do you think this flourescent light is enough for those 2 plants? It seems to produce alot of light. Also when is the best time to transplant them outside?




Well-Known Member
If I was you I would move them outside right now.
Unless that is a T-5 florescent than you are not getting the right wave lengths.
Plants grown inside and moved outside are not used to the UV radiation and can often burn.
The tall stretch you are getting is not desirable and the clear cups are going to get you in trouble when your roots get to the outside of the cup. Your roots cannot be exposed to light.
I would suggest doing some more reading and learn some basics.


those are not t5's that bulb is too thick i agree just put them outside its about that time anyway just pay attention to them and be careful dont let NO ONE know where ur spot is, dont even let them know ur growing!