First grow(need some advice)


Well-Known Member
16/8 with 65k's is all good. But seriously man don't stress about your veg. Get acouple lights for it and whatevs. You need to be more concerned with lighting in the bud cycle. When that time comes around gimmie a shout and I'll c what I can conjure up for ya! []Deace and good growing!


Active Member
small update have had some problems and hope you guys can help me out. 2 of my plants have died one had a lamp fall on it and got burnt the other just seems to have never really started growing and now the other 2 are having some weird problems, and would yall recommend 16/8 over 18/6?

The first plant is having this weird color in the leaves and I can't really figure out why and the other seems to have gotten to top heavy or too close to a light and just fallen other any advice?



Well-Known Member
Are you giving them nutes? What kind of soil are they in? If its a pre fert soil then your plants are getting raped by nute burn.


Active Member
It is fox farm light warrior soil and no I have not been giving them any nutes just distilled water and light


Well-Known Member
Thats a plug and play system there. Just plug it in really. Assuming your house runs on 120v which I am pretty sure it is. So yea just buy it and plug it in. =D []Deace!


Well-Known Member
And as for your sick babies.... Its kind of hard to say. I know light warrior has humic acids in it. And humic acid is not a fertilizer and will not burn, although some manufacturers will add nitrogen. Adding nitrogen is not a bad thing and will also benefit the plants. However, it may be the culprit in this case.


Active Member
And as for your sick babies.... Its kind of hard to say. I know light warrior has humic acids in it. And humic acid is not a fertilizer and will not burn, although some manufacturers will add nitrogen. Adding nitrogen is not a bad thing and will also benefit the plants. However, it may be the culprit in this case.
well anything i can do to save the one that just has the discoloration on the leaves? and as for the HPS system how many plants do you think I could grow at once with it?


Well-Known Member
5 plants would be pushing it. I mean if you want some fat nugs. So I would say 4 nice phattys. Grow em 10-12 inches tall then flip then into bud. That should be nice. []Deace!


Active Member
Small update of the original 4 plants only one is left and it looks pretty bad but today the other seed i germinated sprouted. How I keep messing up this very simple process is really beyond me. A small question would 3 26watt 6500k lights and 3 26 watt 2700k lights be enough for these 2 plants? Another question I was looking at a 150W HPS system today I was wondering how much this would effect my electric bill?



Well-Known Member
Small update of the original 4 plants only one is left and it looks pretty bad but today the other seed i germinated sprouted. How I keep messing up this very simple process is really beyond me. A small question would 3 26watt 6500k lights and 3 26 watt 2700k lights be enough for these 2 plants? Another question I was looking at a 150W HPS system today I was wondering how much this would effect my electric bill?
That would definitely be enough light for the first month, After you might need to get some more. My opinion for vegetative stage I would do 4 - 6500k and 2 - 2700k

That HPS would effect your electricity bill like having about 2 incandescent light bulbs on. Its just all about the watts. So not very much.

Good luck on your survivor and the other new born! :weed:


I didnt see a fan, they are good to develop strong stems to hold those heavy buds during flowering. also it looks like aluminum foil u have in there. That is a mistake because it absorbs more light then it reflects, look into some mylar. good luck to ya and stay green man.


Well-Known Member
There is no need for a computor fan when useing cfls has long has the grow room where the plants are is not totaly inclosed and the air will get stagnent.Put cool cfls has close to the tops of the plants has possible then have a couple wall mounted warm daylight speck 150 watt same has the cool ones on the grow room wall.This will give the plants the warmth that the plants need without burning them.Also how much prlite is in the mix dude far too much.


Active Member
Well I do have a computer fan running in my grow room and no thats not tin foil that is just a white shelf I have them sitting on and the walls are painted white, and I'm not sure about the soil it is Fox farm light warrior soil and I have added no nutes
Ken I think your lights should be enough for now. I am also new at the grow thing
and learned so much from this great site. I just started a grow journal which is in
my signature. Right now I am using on my two plants 2-26watt Daylight 6500K
and 1-23watt Warm 3000K. I will add lights when needed. I am doing this grow
for fun and the experience for first time and using things laying around the house
and buying minimal supplies. Good luck in your grow! Below are my two plants
one is 7 days old the other 5 days old.



hey man... when seedlings are first sprouting their roots are very sensitive to a good watering i have noticed. nutes are not essential at first if you have good soil. try a spray bottle or water very slowly and alow the top of soil to dry out before next watering. and also get those hps lights you will not regret it good luck!


basically i germinated in paper towels and then planteed it into a pot.. and then i had maggots within 2days and then left it like that for a day or 2.. and then i took the plant out off the pot and put it into clean soil in a glass... and the too leave that come out during seedling stage look bruned what shall i do ?