First Grow on Fresca Sol/ Scrog


Well-Known Member
Here is what I do. I hang dry mine for at least 4-6 days. Then jar them. Then I burp twice for the first week. And in the first week, I take all the buds out, and put them back in once a day to inspect for mold, and to let them dry even. When I say burp, I mean like for 1 min or 2. Then for the next to weeks, I just open the jar for 1-20 seconds, and close once a day. By the time you get to week 3-4 there in there prime! This is when they look and taste soo good!


Well-Known Member
I have asked this question several times on different threads with no response, So, here it goes:

Exactly how many times a day do I open the jars?
And for exactly how long should they stay open for, each time I open them??
Is there an exact process to this?

O.K. - that was three questions, I know I lied... I am hoping a master can come and clear this up for me.... Thanks again!!!!
Depending on how dry they are, if they are very dry you keep it closed. If they keep getting moisture out once or twice a day for 5-10 mins but dont stuff your jars like that when they are still moist. Thats ok when they are gonna be stored, but now your curing so no stuffing the jars.

No exacxt process, if i have alot of bud i throw it in a plastic laundry box to cure. Not perfect but it works. Just watch your buds and how dry or wet they are and go from there, curing is basicly slow drying, so keep that in mind.



Well-Known Member
Its tough to tell because these buds are so dense.

40% of the stems are still slightly bendy, but the outside of the buds feel hard and dry....

I will un-stuff my jars tonight and do it right. Thanks for the heads up.


Well-Known Member
Wow, i was reading my last post back and damn i was stoned. Amazing you even made sense out of that. :bigjoint:
Sorry to revisit such an old thread, but I have a question...

I just bought this Fresca Sol light, and was hoping to find out what type of water pump should be used for 1x 600w HPS light, with about 15' of tubing?
Since you're setup is similar, I figure I would ask here. ;)
