First Grow Period: Under the sun, Organic and Mobile

First ever attempt. Started from bag seed in late March with a peat pellet and placed in the in the bathroom window until germinated. April was out during the day, in at night. Transplanted to a one gallon pot,and kept outdoors in the garden. I eventually moved her to the current 20 gallon container , added rope handles and drilled plenty of holes in the bottom for drainage. She was about 12" when I moved her to the larger container and she had not revealed her sex yet, but I kept thinking positive thoughts. The soil mix was a combination of everything I have read from all the helpful RIU contributors.......peat moss, worm casings, perolite,vermiculite, and some NON fortified compost. Used Bat Guano tea with Molassess and Epsom in a gallon of distilled water for feedings. At a later time, I used Alfalfa Meal brew and she really seamed to like that. So all in all, all over the suggestion board, but having fun and it seems to be working. She showed her sex in mid July and I only gave some lite N feedings, but have since stopped. Going with the Organic Phosphorus for now (Bone Meal). She seems very happy and I am thinking she is at least 7-8 weeks from finish. I really wish I knew what strain it was, but it's pretty obvious to me it has Sativa characteristics, but don't think she is true Sativa,maybe hybrid. As I mentioned in my thread she is very mobile and in the photos you can see her resting place behind the WALL of Tomatoes that my wife grows every year, so very discreet. I just purchased some Azamax for preventative measures and hope to make it to full harvest without complications. I would like to end my rant with a HUGE shout out to all the folks who post on this forum, otherwise I would not be where I am in this process. I just wish that when she is done and cured I could roll a bunch of fatties , sit down with you all, and show my appreciation for the knowledge shared. This is not my plant, it's all of ours !!...........I'm just closer to it, and of course I will report the finish as well. S fire away with questions or just let me know what you think. Once again, a HUGE thanks to all the unselfish folks who share their knowledge.............Wish the rest of the world worked this way.................Peas Out !!!DSC00245.jpgDSC00246.jpgDSC00247.jpgDSC00248.jpgDSC00249.jpgDSC00250.jpg


Well-Known Member
she looks fine.. next year use that tomato grow as a SOG grow.. thats what I thought it was at first..

Id say time you are guessing done may be a bit early but depends on your area too.
good 1St post !


Active Member
yeah SOG =Sea of green /shaping the plant to produce more colla's
you mean scrog bud sog and scrog are two diff things sog would just be a bunch of plants grown small straight up scrog is when you train your plant under a screen to create more bud sites and to make it more even


Well-Known Member
you mean scrog bud sog and scrog are two diff things sog would just be a bunch of plants grown small straight up scrog is when you train your plant under a screen to create more bud sites and to make it more even
meh... it all does the same thing right? I still after 2 years of listening to people try to explain it ... see it all as a form of super cropping..

the end goal =more yield right?


Active Member
meh... it all does the same thing right? I still after 2 years of listening to people try to explain it ... see it all as a form of super cropping..

the end goal =more yield right?
not really sog is more like growing just the cola scrog would be many colas


Active Member
so sog is only one colla? ok so.. scrog means supper cropping sea of green?

not being an ass.. seriously..
yes sog would be primarily 1 colla with lots of plants scrog stands for screen of green you could just grow one or two holes on the screen should be about 2in squares when the plant starts to grow into it pull it through one of the holes as branches begin go grow keep spreeding them out around the screen till its about full outcome is a short squat plant with many colas so it would be more like a form of lst


Well-Known Member
i think you will succeed. good advice is try getting growth away from bottom canopy to allow air flow between bucket to come up through. pluck off the suckers so there is only big buds that will form. SOG is the dutch sea of green, a method used by dutch IS using supercropping/topping/flimming or whatever... its just the concept of having several stages of growth and controlling growth cycles to harvest plants every 2-4 weeks instead of 2-4 months. usually done with artificial light but im sure that people can do it in greenhouse with some support lights too.. scrog is screen of green and is just with a screen to train them short, making a nice even canopy. the concept behind both is you want smaller plants that yield more weight quicker