First Grow Pics


Active Member
Here are a few pics from my first grow
there are 5 total all from bagseed planted in a hotbed divided in 2 sections, one with miracle grow organic soil with fert added (my partners idea) , the other with jungle growth professional mix with fert added.
all have started to flower n should be done around thanksgiving:mrgreen:
don't have pics of all 5 yet my camera was messin up but il post them when they're parther along
spencers pics 003.jpg

spencers pics 005.jpg

spencers pics 006.jpg


Well-Known Member
oh yeah.... in florida it should be okay...i think tha fl humidity does that.... theyll be fine....


Active Member
i think so to its been doing that off n on for over a month...after it rains it gets really humid n does that, then when its really sunny for a few days i it kills the mildew i guess cuz it goes away..


Well-Known Member
your golden.... just be on the look for bugs..... they can ruin everything.... keep an eye under the leaves for eggs....


Active Member
have a few new pics of the ladys
the biggest one is taking a while flowering and im wondering if its just the strain (unknown) but the pistals are thin and its taking a while for new ones to form? anyone have any ideas?

