First Grow, Plans.


Active Member
Ok so this will be my first grow, my girl and I are moving into an apartment and i plan to use a closet for possibly 2-4 plants. I want them to be no higher than 3'-4' tall, and want some decent amount of bud for personal use only. PLEASE REMEMBER IM NEWB I WORK ON CARS NOT PLANTS.but i wanna learn! :mrgreen:
Here is what I think I will use:
4 x 3' Flourescents (2 warm 2 cool) probably around 65-110watts
Egg carton for germinating
Then into plastic beer cups
Then into medium sized pots.
Scotts Fertilized Soil (not sure what to use)
Nutrients probably those 3 jugs i see everywhere pink,green, and sumthin else (not sure im newb).
6 x Computer fans on top of custom air smelly thing.
2 x 9" Fans for exhaust/intake
4 x Bottled Baking soda and vinegar. CO2

Now i just need to know some stuff:
1.When germinating do the seeds stay in soil under light or no light?
2.How long will it take for some sweet sweet cheeba?Approximatly.
3.How much do i water during veg/flower?
4.How long should the fan be on during the day?
5.I'm not supposed to nute during last 5 days of budding?(not sure)
6.Whats the easiest way to figure out male female?
7.Whats the nicest way to kill a male or hermie?(Sorry I love my Mary Jane)

Alright now I would like to thank every person on this site even if they didn't reply because I have achieved much knowledge and if this works i will move into a house and grow lots of that skanky danky skunky munky and give everyone who replyed a dime for free!!!
Thanks everyone for any help!:mrgreen: