First grow problems any help please?


Active Member
Happy 4/20! Update: 5weeks into veg and 1st day starting flower. I left for 5 days and had my brother tend to my plant (mistake, he doesnt understand it) and curently running into problems, I think it may be heat. Im not sure, but i will post pictures for input.

I'd like to note tempatures in the tent were reaching up to 91°F and ran consistently high in my absence. Here are the pictures-



Active Member
He didnt water either and stuck my dehumidifier in the tent while the soil was already dry as hell. The leaves felt so dry when i got back it was ridiculous. I'll never leave someone to tend to my plant and try to give directions again....


Active Member
I agree 100%. Too much time invested.
I thought 4 days wouldn't be enough to cause so much optical damage, guess i was wrong. I should post some more pics on each leaf and show everyone what I'm exactly seeing. Right into starting the flower process and I'm vigilantly worried :0 Am so close i can almost taste it but Im worried i wont reach the taste -.-


Well-Known Member
I thought 4 days wouldn't be enough to cause so much optical damage, guess i was wrong. I should post some more pics on each leaf and show everyone what I'm exactly seeing. Right into starting the flower process and I'm vigilantly worried :0 Am so close i can almost taste it but Im worried i wont reach the taste -.-
I think your stressing yourself out more than the plant is stressed. Relax a bit and just keep an eye on it.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about heat stress my grow brother.

LSTing looks fine you might run into width issues but let's cross that bridge when we get there. Probably be a matter of pruning tho so please don't stress about it.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about heat stress my grow brother.

LSTing looks fine you might run into width issues but let's cross that bridge when we get there. Probably be a matter of pruning tho so please don't stress about it.
I got the tempatures very managed now though, hasnt jumped above 79° since I got back, when I switched grow light and the light cycle I set my auto timer to 9pm on 9am off so the light heat doesnt add to the day heat :) and yeah man you're completely right! I was thinking about the width too :0 also I took a pic 3 hours later and she's already bending towards the light!! I thinks thats really cool :)


Active Member
Damn wth aha it wont let me upload my photo? Wierd, never had this problem. I choose my file, it shows it loading then it shows no file selected -.-