First grow progress


This is just to show progress so far. I had some tribulations as a newbie so anyone with vegetative issues i might be able to help without being sarcastic and telling you bullshit like many ppl in this forum....anyway. excuse the dirtyness, i jis changed the lights so i was doing some work in the room20160615_220505.jpg

Strain is super iced grapefruit, 2 months and 2 weeks old. Was vegged under a t5 VHO 4x2 fixture and i jus put it under a 400w GE Ceramic metal halide lamp to prep for flowering.

This plant almost died twice. First time it was in coco at about a week old and the coco coir was salty so that was a problem. Second time was recently about 3 weeks ago, i made a terrible batch of compost tea that turned anaerobic and was high in nitrogen cuz added some fert to the mix. So the plant leaves burned off about 4 hrs after the tea, i introduced a good batch of tea and the plant immediately began to recover.

I hav no exhaust set up, no temp controls, i dont monitor ph, i use soil and i water with compost tea and apply a top dress of organic fert every now and then.

All my leaves are nice and green and the plant is pretty healthy so far. I will be getting an exhaust to deal with the odor cuz i got some new neighbors. I have no idea what my humidity is but my soil dries up in about 3 days. I didnt use any fancy equipment thus far. I may hav to for flowering. But no special nutes. Jus a good soil and nice compost tea with a top dress of manure every now and then.

The soil is a mix of coco, perlite, humus and some other thing i cant remember atm.

Looking forward to the flowering cycle, ill be doing a scrog net under this ceramic metal halide lamp and see what's up. Will post an update couple weeks into flower. I hope i dont get into problems!! I took some clones off this plant and put them under the t5 for a second grow when this one is done.......

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Don't bring that light closer, it's 400w of MH. Should be good from up to 2 feet away. In fact, your plant looks heat stressed, hence taco'd leaves.


Don't bring that light closer, it's 400w of MH. Should be good from up to 2 feet away. In fact, your plant looks heat stressed, hence taco'd leaves.
Well then that rule about using ur hand to test the heat is crap, ciz where it is there my hand is comfortable under that was on the ground and i moved it up in the case to see how close i can get it. Ill be introducing a fan to blow inbetween the canopy and an exhaust to help with the heat.


Well-Known Member
I'm still a beginner but I'm pretty sure you want to get it as close as you can without stressing the plant. Otherwise you're wasting energy.
I don't know what it feels like because it's not aircooled.
My 2 600s are air cooled and they are literally 6 inches from my plants with some colas 2 inches away. About 30 minutes ago I had to tie one cola sideways because it was about 1/8 of an inch from the cool tube. They are looking good.


Well-Known Member
Also, that plant isn't heat stressed. It's recovering from the damage that the op spoke of in his op.

If it were me I'd get it as close to it as comfortable and keep up the good work.
But it ain't me


Flipped to 12/12 on monday. Trying out this scrog business. 4x4 screen. Ive been searching up folks average yield in a 4x4 and havent really seen anything more than 2 pounds wet weight. But ive counted my tops so far i got about 160 tops coming up and more new ones shooting out, if i average 5 grams per top thats 800 grams......never seen anybody pull that in a 4x4 before. I guess im over averaging the weight of them tops. Maybe its actually 1 gram per top.....i duno i guess ill see.....



Well-Known Member
800 g is setting your sights awful high for a 400w light. Don't even think in terms of weight just keep her happy and keep learning. Imo you're setting yourself up for disappointment by hoping for x yeild. Just be happy with whatever she gives and improve the next run
Hate to be the math rains on a parade, but think this through. 160 sites in 4x4. That's 10 per square foot. Now, whether 400w can do 4x4 is one thing. But 14 per sq ft is hard to envision at 5 grams per site, each must fit in a just over 3 in square ignoring fan leaves....


Its a 400w Ceramic bulb, stated to be as good as a 600w hps, with a wider spectrum of light.....i guess a few weeks from now we'll see what the weight is.....
Watts are power and bulb type etc translate to energy by spectrum. On some level, there's a limit of 1:1, perfect efficiency. The perfectly allocated 400w is limited by that 400. It would have to be far far more efficient with 33% less power.