First grow purple kush problem


So I had a little heat problem a couple weeks ago and a lot of my plants yellowed. Learned that I have to open the door to my room every morning and let it air out all day to keep it cool. All of my plants bounced back very nicely and no more yellow on them and look good and healthy. That is except for one, my Purple Kush, does this still look to be some kind of heat issue? It doesn't seem to drink nearly as much as my other plants, of course it's a lot smaller too. Also should I snip the yellowed leaves off or leave them? What should my next move with this one be?20140415_124307.jpg20140415_124440.jpg 20140415_124359.jpg


Active Member
Nothing good to say.. IF IT WAS ME.... I would cut off all the dead leaves... cut the dead portion off of leave that still have green on them... and use only water from here on out.. Do you have GOOD draining in you soil... like if you water it 100% right now.. in 10 mins will the soil be MOIST and not wet?

Good luck,,

PS after you removed the dead leave and dead plan matrieal,,, you can then see if its stil dieing and how fast.. you really cant tell anything right now


Active Member
After looking more.. your new growth is looking good, get ride of the dead stuff and check how WET ( at the bottem, use something to poke down in the soil to check.. better check form the drain holes.

Again... good luck and keep us posted


After looking more.. your new growth is looking good, get ride of the dead stuff and check how WET ( at the bottem, use something to poke down in the soil to check.. better check form the drain holes.

Again... good luck and keep us posted
Thanks man I'll do that, it seems to drain pretty well in my other plants but this one seems to stay wet a little longer. I'm using FFOF with a little Light Warrior I put in a small spot where I first planted the seedlings so they didn't get burnt from the FFOF when they were still babies.


After looking more.. your new growth is looking good, gee of the dead stuff and check how WET ( at the bottem, use something to poke down in the soil to check.. better check form the drain holes.

Again... good luck and keep us posted
Just did a little trim work and fluffed the soil up to get more drainage. And notice these little things you'll see in the pictures I post in the next message, are they just more preflowers or is it turning into a hermie from stress? Might sound like a dumb question if not but I just wanna make sure cuz it's my first grow and I really hope they're just preflowers lol