First Grow:- Skylight start / Outdoor finish


Well-Known Member
Yo. I bought 2 Automatic Femi Biodiesel Mass seeds and also got 2 Burmese Kush seeds and 2 Big Bud seeds free with my order!...bargain! I orded from Herbies Head Shop.
1) I have a package.jpg

I started to germinate my seeds on the 08/08/2011 and did this by putting them in between 2 sheets of kitchen roll. Put room temp rain water ontop and then put inbetween 2 plates and inside a rucksack bag with a hot water bottle to keep the temp up for 2 days (i changed the water in bottle ever 12 hour or so, so it didnt go cold.)
germinating seeds.png 8) 48 Hours~           36 Hours Germination.jpg

I Put them in pots and waterd with rain water and left them under the skylight in my garage! next day or so they started to break through! (unfortunately i dont know which plants are in what pot.... i was too excited and just wanted to plant them -.- )
13) 11.08.2011.jpg

15/08/2011 --- 7 days after start.
20) 15.08.2011.jpg

22/08/2011 ---- 14 days after start. I put in bigger pots the day after!


Well-Known Member
26/08/2011 --- 18 days after start. Going to start giving it nutes on next water.
41) 26.08.2011.jpg40) 26.08.2011.jpg39) 26.08.2011.jpg


Well-Known Member
cheers mate, i forgot to say that im saving the big bud till next year around april time. i planted the 2 burmese kush and the 2 biodiesel mass this year :) what nutes did you use for veg + flower ?


Active Member
well for veg I use Baby Bio Good ol british food ma dad used it, so did ma grandad lol cant beat 100 years well you can if you got a big budget lol and I use vita link for flowering, this I would not reccomend, most people seem to use fox farm so thatll be your best bet.


Plants look good! Since we're around the same time period, how much water were you giving your seedlings and how often?


Well-Known Member
ooh right thanks alot StonedGuru and lol well if its worked for your family for a 100 years it must be good ! BTG1028 i know i might be watering mine not the correct way but i usually do it every other 2 days and i store my rain water in bottles so when its time to water i just give them about 3-5 squirts of water, dont drown it. The next day i stick my finger in (around the edge of the pot) and see if its still moist half way down. its working fine!


Active Member
lol I dont think my grandad used it for dope though! Dad did though. Gotta agree your on the same watering schedule as ive got my babes on at the moment, water then 2 days no water then 3rd day water it seems to be the way forward for me!


Oh wow I've been watering a lot more than that. When they we're in the smaller cups, I watered when the soil got dry on top. But the water evaporated/was used by the plant very quickly in those smaller cups. But now that I put them in bigger pots with some of that natural soil, it seems to retain the water a lot better. But maybe since mine are fully outdoor plants, the watering schedule I'm on works. I've watered about 3 times today, once when I woke up, once around mid day, and another about an hour ago. I don't give a lot of water, maybe a 1/3 of a cup for each plant, which might be another reason why it's working.

Does over watering show results right away or will it hurt in the long run?


Well-Known Member
StonedGuru Yeh! im going to get some of that food and try it on mine :) BTG1028 Hopefully a more experienced person can tell you more about it than i can but the results of overwatering show within the same week. Signs of over watering are yellow edge leaves and they look droopy. (i think, i could be getting mixed up.)


Active Member
Oh wow I've been watering a lot more than that. When they we're in the smaller cups, I watered when the soil got dry on top. But the water evaporated/was used by the plant very quickly in those smaller cups. But now that I put them in bigger pots with some of that natural soil, it seems to retain the water a lot better. But maybe since mine are fully outdoor plants, the watering schedule I'm on works. I've watered about 3 times today, once when I woke up, once around mid day, and another about an hour ago. I don't give a lot of water, maybe a 1/3 of a cup for each plant, which might be another reason why it's working.

Does over watering show results right away or will it hurt in the long run?
Yes overwatering will hurt, and eventually kill your plant, Even if it survives it will be bad smoke- but I doubt it. 3 times a day is way toooo much. every day is too much, just stick your finger in a little and check the dampness, your leaves will droop from overwatering. If they aren't then your schedule is cool! I really can't guarantee because im strictly indoor growing so not sure bout outside!


Well-Known Member
got some nutes today 6-2-4 ill see what its like and water them tomorrow with it at 1/4 strength.


Well-Known Member
Added the nutes today, i made it at 1/4. These are pictues today just before i waterd.

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Active Member
Well they look decent to me in the pics! I didnt use food for a good few weeks as the compost ususally has some nutes it but you did right by just a 1/4 see how they react if you get the tips brown back off for a bit, let me know how they get on but they look good dude!


Well-Known Member
StonedGuru they've been in pots for nearly 3 weeks now sooo i thought i might aswel buy some :)
BTG1028 i think its vegetable food but NPK is 6-2-4 so should be fine.
EDIT: day after nutes, it dont show any bad signs and its grown a little bit more ;)
45)29.08.2011.jpg I dont know why but this plant is wayyy bigger than the others :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Plants are fine, no nute burn signs. after ive used this mix up im going to make it just under half strength and see how it goes.



Active Member
Im glad to hear it dude! Lol had simmilar experience I have 4 plants and blackjack was kicking the shit out of all of the others at growth but now its the smallest- its mystery =)


Active Member
Looking Healthy, the one in the middle looks like a strawberry seedling ;) hardest part imo is over, youve got the plants now watch em grow!