First Grow(stealth dresser) With g13fem Lockstock And Indian Skunk!!


Active Member
well here we go its starting now i just got my shipment from attitude and im getting ready to germ im going to do my free g13 labs lockstock and im thinking im going to germ 3 of the 10 indian skunk seeds i got if anyone has any feedback or tips on these particular strains it would be great! I am also wondering if you can clone a femenized plant hope to hear from you guys soon i got pics up too . 1,2,and3 are of the seeds and how they arived the black thing in the backround is the dvd case o ordered for them to be in the 4th is of my dresser



Active Member
good luck! i would germ most of them if i were you so you can see which are females and which are the best phenos. you asked if you can clone as fem'ed seed....YES. pop all those puppies if you think you will continue to keep growing and grow out the best female and clone the piss out of t!


Active Member
good luck! i would germ most of them if i were you so you can see which are females and which are the best phenos. you asked if you can clone as fem'ed seed....YES. pop all those puppies if you think you will continue to keep growing and grow out the best female and clone the piss out of t!
i would do that if i had more than 2.8 sq/ft of floor space lol. im going for some decent bushes using lst so if i get 2 females that will fill up my space im pretty sure. my dresser is 28x38x15 so im pretty sure 2 should fill up the space and i might have room to throw smaller clones in but i will see what happens when it gets that far. but im for sure going to be rethinking every aspect of what im doing so im sure it will change slightly. hope to hear from more peeps soon. thanks


Active Member
oh i also have a small veg cab that i made first but then realized it was to small for what i was trying to do so i may just use that for cloning and veging untill i have a vacancy in the big one


Active Member
sweet my fem lock stock has germed 13 hours into germing pretty sweet if you ask me that just means 1 for sure fem plant


Active Member
just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a pot to grow them in. i have 3 matching 3 gallon bucketsbut i can only fit 2 of them in my case, looking for something similar in size but narrower. dose anywere sell 2 gallon containers? just looking for suggestions. on another note my indian skunk has yet to show signs of germinating but it has also been only 20 hrs since i put them in the paper towels hope to hear from you guys soon!


Active Member
any words of advice? i still have yet to find an actual person who has had experience with these strains. oh well ill figure it out on my own. good thing i got an A in my botany class


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not that anyone cares but the indian skunk finally poped out of its shell with some assistance. i used some sanpaper to weaken the bottom and side of the seed and they came out 12 hours later and i will be planting them tonight and ill post a couple pics


Active Member
i had a question for anyone who knows about this. I am using compsted horse doodoo and vermiculite and i was wondering if there was any such thing as too much vermiculite i have about 30% vermiculite and 70 percent doodoo but im planning on doing about 15% when i put them in their final resting place. I heard that vermiculite is good for seedlings but im not sure. any feedback is good feedback! hope to hear from you soon!


Active Member
ok im pretty excited after i planted the lock plant i had to go on an adventure for about 20 hours and came home to a beutifull heathy looking seedling i have a good feeling about this on because its been a speedy one since the second i put it in the paper towel and the fact that its a fem seed makes me all the happier and i also have a few better pics of my cab. i did have a couple qiestions though and my first is what is a safe temp for my cab i just got a digital thermometer for 5 bucks and so far my high has been 88.3f im pretty sure its fine but just wanted to make sure and my next question was weather or not it was to soon to add in my 13w t5 i didnt think it would hurt as long as it didnt raise my temps to bad and my last and final question was weather or not the clear plastic cups are a bad idea or not i hope to get some help from you guys since i am a virgin herb grower and im also sorry for this very ver long runon sentance but i just smoked a nice bowl of some purple kush along with accidentaly taking a xanny bar oops lol


Active Member
oh and one more thing i am having troubles with! i was just wondering if thereis a better way to power 10 pc fans without using a 350power supply from my pc since that is all i have at hand and cant affrd a smaller one i am currently using old wall dc chargers but am not getting the full potential from my fans. is there any weay to fix that with a cheao and moderatly easy fix for this?


Well-Known Member
Dont mean to be discouraging, but G13 renamed that strain from Pure Gold to Lock Stock. Particularly because it was such a shitty plant. It was unable to LST it and it produced very weak leaves and the final product was at the bottom of the 5 strains that I grew that cycle.


Active Member
ahh dont scare me like that seems to be a very healthy plant so far but i was wondering what you ment by it wouldnt lst cuz i already put the first paperclip on and watered it and it seems to be fine but i guess ill keep an eye on it