First grow -- Strawberry Cough


Active Member
Here is my first grow. I followed the Aerogarden's recommended and did 2 nutrient pills the first time out. This killed 4 of the 7 plants.

The 3 remaining should be damn tough. :-) I've since emptied the reservoir and replaced the nutrient-laden water with plain old tap water. The grow you see here is after 2 weeks.

Last week, I put in a crushed estrogen pill as per a recommendation in a grow book.

This week, I put in a 1/2 tablet of the Aerogarden nutrients and a 1/4 tsp of some super-thrive all natural (no pesticide, no hormones, no chemical fertilizer) compound. We'll see how they do a week from now. If they do well, I'll repeat with just 1/4 tsp of the super-thrive. I'm not sure that I trust the Aerogarden nutes.

This pic is from 2 1/2 weeks of growth.



Well-Known Member
Damn this is perfect, another AG grow and one of my Favorite strain's Strawberry Cough, :D good luck, I'll be posted


Active Member
For seeds, do a search on the Internet. Won't disclose my source. Lots of places sell Strawberry Cough.

Here is 5-weeks of growth. Last week, bought a 600W HPS/MH setup. Also, put in a small mug of yeast/sugar/water for some CO2.

This week, I started to break up and thoroughly dissolve my nute pills before putting them in the tank. Keeping Ph between 5.5 and 6.0. Digital Ph meter arrives next week.
