First Grow - UBC Chemo - CFLs in my closet

I'm new here and I don't know how to give rep. When I figure it out, I will probably do that.

Here are my plants today, two weeks since I started germinating them.

Party cup plant was the second to sprout and is growing the fastest. Hopefully it's a girl and I can clone her.

Using a mixture of perlite, compost and peat moss.



Active Member
It's amazing how different plants seem to form differently. My plant seemed to grow out its nodes then grow the leaves big, yours seem to grow the node then grow big leaves then the next nodes.. (weed = good)


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIUbongsmilie

On the bottom of each post theres the link to journal your post, a sheriffs deputy star icon, and a exclamation in a triangle. Click the star icon at any post you wish to leave +rep;-)

BTW your plants look good, I like the idea of cloning, Im veggin some mothers now and just took my first cutting 5 days ago. ...Happy Grown... :eyesmoke:

