First Grow, Using Bagseed Outdoors


New Member
Hey everyone,

I'm new to rollitup and decided I'd start a grow journal. It's a little late starting, as my plants are currently three weeks old, but I have a few pictures from earlier. I am growing six plants from bagseed that a friend gave me in a soil mixture that I concocted myself; it consists of 2 parts compost, 3 parts peat moss, and 4 parts garden soil. I started my plants in plastic cups in some very old potting soil that a tree had been growing in for a couple of years, but just transplanted them into my soil mix this past weekend. I am now growing in 5 gallon smart pots, which I intend to be the final home. I am using dyna-gro nutrients. I will be using a watering/feeding schedule I saw posted by someone on rollitup which is watering every Monday and Thursday and feeding on Saturdays. I will try to keep this updated as often as possible, and I welcome any advice or comments; in fact, they would be greatly appreciated! Here are some pictures from the first few stages of my grow. The first two pictures are from about 10 days old, and the last picture was taken today. Hope you guys enjoy my grow as much as I do.20150602_092734.jpg20150602_092806.jpg 20150610_101426.jpg


New Member
Going on vacation for a few days tomorrow so here's a few pics of my babies before and I'll post pics Thursday when I get back. Also, does anyone know what might cause the brown spotting on my lower leaves? Four of my six plants have the same spotting going on. I have noticed some aphids on my plants but I always try to remove them as they appear and I have treated them with neem oil. The rest of the growth on all plants seems healthy. Any help would be appreciated. See you guys Thursday!

This plant had the worst of the spotting.

This plant has broader, shorter leaves than the rest, leading me to believe it is mostly an indica variety. The rest seem to be either hybrids or sativa dominant plants based on the leaves.
Seems to be healthy but the bottom leaves are spotted and one leaf tip completely broke off at the bottom.

Plant #3.

This one has a leaf with six leaflets!

Plant #5 has a granddaddy long leg looking for some food on top of it.

Plant #6 seems to be the healthiest (other than the large brown spot on one of the leaflets) and fastest growing.



New Member
Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long, these last few weeks have been super busy. My babies are doing great though! They're each about 3 feet tall and are finally starting to branch, which leads me to a question: why did it take so long for my plants to start branching? I see plants that have branches by the third node... mine took like 5 weeks to start branching. Oh well... here are some pictures from today, I apologize for them being kind of difficult to see, they blend with the foliage in the back a little bit. Also, they've been getting munched on by insects a little bit, so I treated them with neem oil today, hopefully this will solve the problem.

