First Grow- What Do Ya Think?


Active Member
Hello everyone...

I'm new to this site and to growing. I am currently 3 1/2 weeks into my first attempt. My girl looks okay I think. She has some definite light bending and she's a little droopy today. I think this may be from over watering. I haven't really figured out a set watering schedule so any advice on how to set up a watering schedule would be much appreciated. =)

I currently am using 24/0 and I'm going to continue using 24/0 until it's time to switch. I'll try 18/6 on the next batch but I want to experiment with them both and see what's more efficient, ya know?

I am using an 18' plant and aquarium floro directly above the plant. Its lumen output is only like 510 though. I am also using two high output cool white floros that I picked up from Wal-Mart- and my grow space is wallpapered w/ aluminum foil.

I am using a 24-8-16 solution about every three or four days for now. My girl has plenty of pistils too- so hopefully she’s all woman…

Any ideas on the drooping?

Thanks For Your Time.


Well-Known Member
Looking great so far, only advice is to ditch the foil.
Put up some cardboard you had painted flat white, foamcore board, mylar or panda plastic (black on one side white on the other)


Active Member
Thanks a lot, Zombi- I'll definately do some research and consider ditching the foil.