First grow, Winter grow, start to finish,w/pics


Active Member
Im already into this one by 5 weeks by the time I could get a post up. So here it goes.
My first ever grow.
Using bubbleponics untill week 3 when the roots touch nutes, then just bubble DWC.

2x42w 5500 CFL,
2x27w 3000 CFL
4x40w 4' Aqua&Eco Flouro's
1x27w 2' Aquarium plant Flouro

Nutes as directed
Botonicare-Veg 3-2-4
Earth Juice-Flw

The pics: here is my setup



Active Member
If anyone knows by looking at the pics what strain these could be, I would be interested in knowing


Active Member
Dayum! No body has any guesses? You all can feel free to post here. Mi Casa Su Casa..or something of the sort. A wise man once told me "A potted watch never boils"

Update: I broke one of my mothers. (yeah BROKE) I was attempting a late LST as she was getting too tall and split her right between the branches! TWICE! No shit. So maybe this is a blessing in disguise to test the resiliantcy of this strand. Anyway I got some small rope and tied her back up as best I could..GHETTO! Fuck it If it works then its all good, if not I still got another. Accedents happen for a good reason sometimes. So pic #1 is before the splitting and Pic #2 is after and so on.
Who knows maybe Im on to something here.

1 Before
2 After...ext


Damn bro! Tough break! (no pun) ....Yea that's why I started my LST early... IDK if tying it like that will help.. maybe get some rooting gel and plant it like a clone? Just a thought. Sorry for your plant tho! :(