First grow with a harvest.


Active Member
this technically wasn't my first grow. it is however, the first grow i've harvested anything off of. May09 - July 09/

the light i used for bloom was a 400w hps. these were first intended to be mothers, but i decided to bloom them about after a month of vegetative growth. the seeds i had bought a couple years ago from nirvana seedbank. strain was called "ice".

i had felt intimidated with the whole hydro thing, so for this grow i used soil. i used a combo of vermiculite, peatmoss, and perlite with gh maxi grow and maxi bloom nutes. i also used blue mountain organic's super plant tonic on a weekly basis.

at harvest, these ladies yeilded roughly 3oz of bud and 1.5g of hash.

i cant help but think of my grow as newbish as there are many things i could've done differently to get better results from those plants. this has been a great learning experience for me and the community here at rui has been more helpful than i could have ever expected. i feel more confident about my next grow and expect much better results after upgrading my little op.