First Grow

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
I am two weeks into veg from seed not sure when I should start using nutes waiting on my survival blankets to get in to finish the setup but take a look at what I have so far pointers are welcome. I am growing a total of eleven plants and I know that one of the seeds are Jack Herer and that's the one in the bowl it hasn't sprouted yet. It just got planted a couple days ago so any day it should sprout and wondering would it be safe for me to transplant it into a container like the other as soon as it sprouts???

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Well-Known Member
move your lights waaaay closer and make sure you have holes in the bottom of your buckets. What are you planning on transplanting them into? Your gonna need a chit ton more cfl's :) No nutes for a few weeks k? Good luck ;)


Well-Known Member
looks like trash cans full of mud pies. where's the perlite? get yer light closer, so they don't stretch anymore, and them re-pot into a nice mix with lots of perlite......imo.


Well-Known Member
looks like trash cans full of mud pies. where's the perlite? get yer light closer, so they don't stretch anymore, and them re-pot into a nice mix with lots of perlite......imo.
what scroglodyte said ;) we live.....we learn, that's why we are here :)

That soil is going to get wet, heavy, and muddy, which is what you don't want :o You need some fluff to it, some perlite or some better soil when you transplant. Just bring those lights super close and add 3 per plant.

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
I already have moved them closer they are about 3 inches away from the plants. How many lights do you suggest I get I already have ten of them in use in 5 pairs of two using Y splitters. I'm going to transplant them into large dark buckets right before flowering or should I do that a lot sooner???

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
The area looks cluttered because of the wide bowl in there because I got that seed at the last minute and wanted it to go in with this grow. With that said it's two plants to each splitter is that not enough light?


Well-Known Member
OK good :) I've got 5 plants just finishing up veg and I use 504w of cfls, 12 26w and 2 64w....and thinking of adding some more :o you should be OK in those buckets for now as long as they have drainage. Maybe take a few plants and put em in pairs in the same bucket for a few more weeks before you transplant so you can keep the lights close together for more penetration.

try a farm and garden store if you've got em. Waly may have it...good luck :)

they look a little stretchy, but that can be fixed when you transplant. They look nice and healthy though :) Get some air in that soil and some more lumens in there and you'll be good to go!

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
thanks i put a box fan in the room with them on low until i get the smaller ones for them. Yes the buckets do have drainage I have four holes on the bottom of each and filter in the bottom of each as well.
I put mine in a damp folded-up paper towel, on a saucer inside a 1gl freezer ziploc, dark warm place etc... and get taproots showing in a day or three normally. This is my first time with 'store-bought' beans, and I have had 100% germination, and 100% survival through the first few nodes. The longest any of those took was two days.

Straight into moist soil should be about like that too... (I haven't done it that way since maybe 1987 so CRS?)

With whatever method, more than a week? I'd be having that funeral, and getting busy making another baby.


Well-Known Member
as long as you keep them warm and moist (not wet) should take about 5-7 days. Could be sooner :)

I like the jiffy pods myself....the paper towel thing really didn't work well for me.

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
The Jack Herer is starting to sprout I'm excited soon I'm going to transplant that and the rest into about 3gal buckets and then start LST. The Jack is gonna have a longer flowering than any of my other plants, but is also going to have the shortest veg hope it comes out well.

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
What other nutes will I need for grow I have Tiger Bloom Extra Strength 2-8-4 fertilizer and I am getting perlite for my soil and Cal-Mag is there anything else I might want to look into getting??? I'm also getting 28 23 watt cfl lights and my whole closet is going to be covered in survival blanket.


New Member
br0 they will die dem plants bro add som perlite vermikulite anything br0 omg u need to aerate da soil da roots arent happy wtf iz dis shiiitz omg