First harvest!!!!! Harvest time effected since I'm noob?


Well-Known Member
So I got a pretty good yield of about 7z's of good bud and another 1-2 of c-d grade bud (looks reeeeall nice in a jar though :-) after 10 weeks flowering.

I upgraded to a 600w from 400w (now using the 400 for veg) which I'm also curious about effecting yield time.

But my plants went through stress that my current flowering plants are not going through because the clones I got were unhealthy and wellll I didn't have it down yet (mostly in the veg stage).

Now that these plants are from the same cuts would you expect them to take the same amount of time to finish or less?

Also will potentcy or anything be better this round since they are very happy and healthy?

PS- FUCK TRIMMING, as awesome as a first harvest is 12 hours to trim 6 plants ridiculous ha. But the rewards are worth it:lol:


Active Member
Did you get the 7oz's and the 1-2 of lower grade from the 400 or the 600? I'm asking because I'm getting close to my third harvest, second under a 400w hps, and I'm hoping to get a big yield like that.