First hydro grow (white russian)


Well-Known Member
Awesome great to hear. I to have been reaping the benefits, half the peeps in my house right now are practically retarded as we speak lmao.Anyhow, those are some really impressive colas. Check these out, my latest bagseed grow, 2 weeks into flowering and starting to develope bright flourescent pink hairs and thick juicy buds!
It was interesting cuz ive never seen the pink b4 i guess so i decided to start a grow thread on it to track and see what happens.let me know what u think..
dang thats awesome, i have not seen anything like that b4. what strain is that


Well-Known Member
I couldnt even tell ya,just some good bagseeds i happened to put away one time,but pretty amazed cuz it leterally is bright pink like a rose bush. I anxious to see what happens at this point its really maturing fast!Ive got 2 females in a bubbler and 2 that i put in soil cuz i ended up running out of room but glad i did!4 out of 5 are females on the pinkies lol.


Well-Known Member
up date
im now starting to reduce ppm over next 6 days then flush for the last week

1. white russian this bud is 9in long lol


Well-Known Member
Hey Al B bud, or anyone here, Im a neb and im having a similar problem (browning of the roots,plants look pretty healthy, just a few spots here and there) but all I can find is 3% peroxide. How much per quart of 3% would I add (I use 6 gallons of nutes/water in my tank)? In your post you use 1ml/L of 50% which is as close as I can convert would equal about a 1/4 tespoon to every quart of water (not so good with metric and everything I got for measuring is in quarts or teaspoons..ect...

Thanks in advance!

PS- Plants looking AWSOME Bifta!! GREAT JOB MANG!!

Oh yeah, I think you could be doing a lot worse than you are if you're growing in a closet! Closets are hard to ventilate and leaving the door open a bit isn't good ventilation.

The water level all depends on whether you want to grow DWC or aero. A DWC with a low water level is aero. In neither case should the water level touch the pellets. I would lower it to at least about 10cm below the netpots.

Get some 50% grade H2O2 and dose the nutes with 1ml/L every 3-4 days. The root development should pick up a bit.

Correct pH to 5.8 after topping your tank with plain water only. Your res is small so you will top up frequently if not daily. Never add mixed or concentrated nutes to an existing tank of nutes. Only add nute mix to plain water when mixing a new tank at your necessary change interval. 1400-1500 is fine for a vigorously growing plant.

A flood system allows a much greater res capacity, which keeps pH & ppm more stable over the roughly 2-week life of a tank of nutes. I find that about 5L per plant is generally good. Bucket systems have so little res capacity that they might do better being dumped & renewed weekly rather than biweekly.


Well-Known Member
ive just chopped 1 of the unkowns and have 5.6 oz of bud will have to wait until its dry for true weight


Well-Known Member
Hi Bifta. Nice job. what is the highest level of PPM you running on WR without burn the plant?
P.S: Have lot of good feedback on WR from people.