First indoor closet grow


depends on if you have the space and there are ppl out there that grow great plants off from cfls only but i run a t5 and i also just bought 3 150w cfls to add ontop of it View attachment 2983870 the ladies are loving it i like the t5's bc you can keep em so close and are really easy to heat exchange and cheap to run i only added the cfls bc i wanted too not bc i needed to they were doing swimmingly before but seem to be very happy now i like the fact that by keeping the light so close they don stretch at all i have seen ppl out there that have less nodes on there plants and are like at the 2'6"-3ft mark and mine are maybe 15" at the most but are extremely compact and very bushy (imo the only way to grow) if you can see the one in the back on the left its not but 7" tall but has a huge amount of nodes it just keeps growing wider and wider

so to answer you ? do you need them no, will it help IMO yes my girls love it

and i really would stray from the walmart stuff just order online
what kinda space do you have avail for the lights?

Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
The small room is a closet with four 150 watt cfl spotlighs. 2 plant grow for clones Green Crack

I might invest n a MH ballast soon for my next grow in the big room

Gonna do 5 Fem Special Kush plants

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
they havnt really started building bud yet, but the plant looks healthy and the good news is---the next 2 or 3 weeks is when things start getting interesting, bud sites start sprouting hairs and then they all start to join up, its my favourite part of a grow.---Its a kind of magic