First Indoor Grow --- AK-47 Autoflower --- PLEASE HELP!?


New Member
Yeah I've seen a fair bit of it too man. I was starting to feel like i may have screwed up to the point of full on stunting.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
just let them bounce back
theyre probably fine
when this is corrected youll never know a difference
its when its left to go 20 days or so that it really hurts
but when you get dialed in with the quirks auto's haul ass from day 1


New Member
Mad. I've actually started germinating two more ak-47 seeds because i was so stressed haha. This round I'm not going to be transplanting them. Got coco pellets this time around. Not a fan of rockwool. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
honestly just a handful of seed starting mix in the spot your going to plant like a party cup size is enough
rockwool sucks IMO