First Indoor Grow For Cancer Patient- Nutrients Advice Needed



I need to make a few ounces of oil for a very, very sick cancer patient. I really wanna try the soilless medthod, but I'm freaking hard about shopping at the local hydro store. I really don't wanna settle for miracle grow though. Anyhow, I'm on a budget and need assistance/advice with choosing a nutrient package that'll help me with a decent harvest and the amount of oil we need. Any ideas on shopping at the local grow store? I've considered borrowing someone else's license plate and trying to disguise myself. Sounds crazy right? I don't wanna get busted because my mom is terribly sick and would probably kill her.

Are Fox Farm nutes any good? Is this very concentrated? What about Advanced? How much will I need for a SOG of 10-20 smaller plants. Growing Afghani#1, Hindu Kush, and maybe blueberry skunk. I'll need to maintain two-four bonsai mothers and a father for seeds. I don't wanna use nutes formulated for hydroponics, but soil/soilless instead.

I hope to someday to have the skills to grow the sensitive blueberry strain. The gent that grew these used organic teas from the animals on his farm. Absolutely no yellow leaves at harvest. This Midwestern farmer has special knowledge I hope he will share someday. Thanks in advanced everyone for your expertise.



Well-Known Member
lol dont be that paranoid, but yea, dont drive up there and park in front or use your credit card, park a few blocks away (the walking wont kill you) and make sure to have cash with you, a little common sense wont hurt ..

and about grow medium, I like Coco, did normal soil and SS (SS = super soil) but coco is easy and give great results, specially if your going to make oil out of it, you don't really have to care that much about taste or if it is organic, what your looking for is yield and high potent, I usealy make oil on my low popcorn buds and sugar leaves, I use lighter gas as its easy to come by and I made a container my self so I can make smaller amount at the time, tho I also used ether to make larger amounts back when I grew out doors

in coco I use the GH line with the Lucas Formula

tho lots of Ppl. like the Canna A+B and Cal/Mg

just keep it simple, with the GH you only need one or two bottles and Ca/Mg (I use Epsom Salt here, cheap and do the job)


Coco can even be reused if flushed after use (get a flushing agent, cheap and make it possible to use it multiply times) so less trips to the hydro store = less changes to get busted, but really unless you go there on daily bases and use your credit card and do a hugh commercial grow useing lots of power aso. I doubt they want to wast time and effort on you


Well-Known Member
Lots of people grow hydroponically and it isn't marijuana! You might just be assuming everyone assumes marijuana because that is, in fact, why you're going there. But if you're really squeamish, order through Amazon. Prices are good, it comes in the Amazon box, etc, etc...

Oops...just realized you're not doing hydro, so I just deleted everything I had posted about that...:)

Good luck!


Thanks for the advice everyone, I appreciate your time. Maybe walking instead of parking in the lot might draw more attention? I will have to ponder whether shipping is more feasible. I'm considering using coco coir in a few pots to get a feel for it. Strains are gonna hopefully be Afghani #1 and a Narkush hybrid. I made some Hindu Kush beans from pollen I gathered from a beautiful NL #5. I gave some of these to a friend and found most lean more towards the Seedsman's Narkush mother. IMHO this is the best under rated Hindu Kush landrace available commercially. I used some after work one evening with a couple of percocets, I felt like I was floating weightless on a cloud. Anyhow, about the taste, I'm gonna keep a little for smoking, making hash and gifting to a friend, so I'll definitely dry and cure correctly.