First Landrace Sativa Grow. Advice?


Active Member
Hey RIU!

I've got 3 years of Indica/IndDominant grow experience indoors in a 2x4x5 tent using LED.

Looking for any advice on growing wild sativas (Ace: Zamaledica) with limited height??

My plan is to start with small pots and strategically up-pot leading into flower. I also am planning to mainline these girls.

Specifically wondering if I should do some topping after I switch to flower to help slow things down? Or should i just keep em tight to the pots and create the 8 or 16 mains, then switch to flower?

I typically use FFOF with 30-40percent perlite mixed in. Wondering if this soil is too hot for the sativas I've chosen? Maybe cut in 20-30percent coco as well?

Thanks in advance for any advice. I'm excited for this undertaking and welcome any advice or criticism!


New Member
Play it safe, add the coco. I brought home some Filipino Sativa(probably imported Thai landrace) & for what I can tell they can be very nutrient sensitive.

I'd also give them 12/12 2 weeks after breaking through the soil & start supercropping the third week. For the Pot just use a 5gallon to purposely root bound it in the future & speed up flowering

I'm not very experienced yet but these are my findings


Well-Known Member
They will stretch. I have four going right now that were flipped at about 16-18" and they's all over six feet tall from the dirt minimum lol. I was worried I flipped too soon. I also had to chop a few tops already. They drink A LOT of water as they go deeper into flower and a few of my phenos are hungry bitches. It's been interesting keeping them fed properly in organic soil to say the least. This has been my first run with Sativas and it's been wild. A lot different than running the usual hybrids, and also they look shitty and lanky but it's normnal, as they start to bud they look better because buds pop up everywhere if you trained them and they're getting light.

Just strap in and enjoy the ride lol :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Sativas keep growing roots in flower
Branchs also may grow and strengthen much in flower
Sativas are very slow to declare sex at times
Some sativas can herm at the slightest discomfort
Sativas have me at 11 1/2 on, 12 1/2 off
Sativas are thirsty thirsty in flower
Many buds up and down the branches.
Most of all you'll be truckin' not couch lockin'!


Well-Known Member
I doubt your tent is tall enough to flower out a land race sativa even if you root bound it in a small container, they usually won't stop stretching and grow very tall. Good luck tho.


Well-Known Member
I LST by the pot/plant and top early. It helps. Sativa leaning hybreeds are easier to get along with. Flower time on some sativa can be extreme.