first month of bubbleponics


Active Member
Yeah I know. It just gave me a freak for a moment and then I laughed a lot. I blame the weed though!
man just wait till my next grow,i am gonna start with a white widow fem seed. start it in a small bubbler unit. then when its big enough i'll grab a bunch of clones off it. then i wanna grow 4 of the best clones in bubble buckets (like i am growing in now) and grow a few nice beautiful plants.

growing the pink kush (stuff in this thread) in the bubble bucket it giving me twice as much resin production as in soil, i can just imagin what white widow will do.


New Member
You are now on the glide path to success! I stated with bag seed as I leaned and it's been full tilt boogie ever since.


Active Member
You are now on the glide path to success! I stated with bag seed as I leaned and it's been full tilt boogie ever since.

i am very lucky that these pink kush (bag seeds) are as strong as they are. i have tried some other bag seeds and there no where near as good as these. i wanna bread this strain but i havnt gotten a male yet from over 10 seeds germinated.


Well-Known Member
Oh you aren't trying very hard at all. Light leak that female she'll go hermi on you.. :)

Can't you just let it flower for too long also and it will self pollinate? I heard that way is a natural way of making feminized seeds. Course it isn't really breeding if it pregnates itself..


New Member
Well, if you want to breed you could always just keep growing them with cloning until you got a male from something you like. You could just set her up in a mother room with the lights on all the time but remember there are lots of strains out there to explore. Might be kind of a first love thing! LOL!


Active Member
Well, if you want to breed you could always just keep growing them with cloning until you got a male from something you like. You could just set her up in a mother room with the lights on all the time but remember there are lots of strains out there to explore. Might be kind of a first love thing! LOL!
ya im not worried about breading just yet. i still do have atleast 10 seeds from the pink kush left so i should be good eather way.

did u manage to get any of those free attitude seeds from that x-mas special?


New Member
Got them all and some Seedsman Fem Mazari. It's a lot like my LSD - Mazar and Skunk#1. I'll clone the LSD and grow the seeds out and compare. $50 shipped for 20 beans ain't bad. I think I have over 80 seeds now! I just can't resist! LOL!


Active Member
Got them all and some Seedsman Fem Mazari. It's a lot like my LSD - Mazar and Skunk#1. I'll clone the LSD and grow the seeds out and compare. $50 shipped for 20 beans ain't bad. I think I have over 80 seeds now! I just can't resist! LOL!
hah damn man u got alot to choose from, i only have a few strains. i got a few mighty might's and some HAZE right now but havnt grown any of em yet. only the pink kush and some other less successfull kush strains.


Active Member
Wow! Look at that plant! Shit, look at the root ball on that sucker! Look at the trichs! Good job!
ya man i am very stoked, there are 3 and a half weeks into 12/12.

ahh this reminds me of a question i have.

if my strain has a flowering time of approximately 8 weeks. when do i start counting down the week.
right from the day i change to 12/12, or from when i start to notice flowers???? i know the 8 weeks is an estimation and to go by a microscope, but it helps to know.



Active Member
Technically it's from when you turn to 12/12. It's a guess but usually close from the breeder.

ok so if i wanna go true bubbleponics then i need to run a submersible pump with a hose and a dripper right into my medium (lets say rock wool cube) do i run this pump all the time, 15 mins on/off, on at day off at night. probably gonna try it out for my next grow so wanna make sure i got it down.

the pump is quit small, i think there are similar ones on ebay that say 74 gph. the dripper is 2 L/hr. the drip comes out nice and slow.



New Member
In a true bubbleponics system you run the pump all the time while it is in the res when you first start growing. When the roots are well into the res you remove the pump completely. Make sure the res water has a good amount of air in it via an air pump and an air stone and you run the system with just the res and air for the rest of the grow.


Active Member
In a true bubbleponics system you run the pump all the time while it is in the res when you first start growing. When the roots are well into the res you remove the pump completely. Make sure the res water has a good amount of air in it via an air pump and an air stone and you run the system with just the res and air for the rest of the grow.
well shit thats pretty much what i did for this grow. so i guess im on the right track then eh. thanks for the help man. if i could give u another +rep i would but it wont let me just yet.


New Member
Well if you are one, think about wearing the badge. I have a bucket in waiting in case I get more than 3 fems out of 5 plants (Jack and Pandora's box). Might even have to do it if i get a third. Those Sannie Jack look like they could get big. I have them on a table now but they hit the floor if they get much taller.


Active Member
Well if you are one, think about wearing the badge. I have a bucket in waiting in case I get more than 3 fems out of 5 plants (Jack and Pandora's box). Might even have to do it if i get a third. Those Sannie Jack look like they could get big. I have them on a table now but they hit the floor if they get much taller.
man u'll have to get a thread going on those when u get started.