First Official cfl grow


Active Member
Hi everyone. This is my first official cfl grow. I had one before, and I scrubbed it, so doing it again. I am only growing 1 plant this time, not 3 lol. Or was it 4? Not sure, but too many. Anyhoo, enough of that! On to current events!
I have a small cab I made myself, out of an old dresser. Small dresser, that is. Only 3 drawers. It's like, 2 ft tall, 2 ft. wide, and 2 ft deep, basically.
Lights are 26W 6500K cfl's. Along with 2 26W 2700 cfl's for good measure. I think I have 8 lights, maybe 9. Point is, it's brighter than hell in there! lol.
I am growing in Fox Farms Ocean Forest. Great great soil! I can't say enough good things about that soil. It's been excellent beyond imagination. What can I say, it's made in the Triangle. I also bought some nutes from FF, but only used it once so far, am waiting for Day 30 to begin actually feeding cycle. FF OF says it needs no nutes for the first 30 days, and I believe it. My plant is proof lol.
I actually started this grow about 24 or so days ago. I am going to add pics to catch everyone up. With that in mind, let's rock!
To start with, pics of my cabinet:
almost done.jpggrow box i made.jpglights added.jpg


Active Member
Ok, now I will put pics of plant, Day 1, Sept. 6. Thru yesterday. After I LST'ed her. (hopefully a her lol)

mystuff 017.jpgDay 7.jpg5 days growth.jpgmystuff 035.jpgmystuff 033.jpgmystuff 041.jpgmystuff 038.jpgmystuff 039.jpgmystuff 046.jpgmystuff 043.jpgbest pic yet!!.jpgmystuff 056.jpg


Active Member
Ok, now for more. That was like the first 2 wks or so. Now onto the newer ones. I am trying to not put too many pics in 1 post, and also doing my best to make sure the pics are in proper order of days. Here goes!

Day 22 (1).jpgday 20, top view.jpgDay 22 (3).jpgday 20 side view.jpgDay 22.jpgday 20, stem.jpgday 20, 2.jpgDay 22 (2).jpgday 20.jpgday 20 3.jpgproper lst 3.jpgproper lst 4.jpg


Active Member
So there you have it. I am on Day 24. I topped the plant at about Day 20. I LST last night, Day 23. Today, she is already growing back up towards the lights! So fast! I am going to wait until tomorrow, then I am going to continue the LST on the top branches. I want to grow it in a circle around the container. Save space that way. Let me go take a pic of her right quick, show how she has already grown to the light. be right back. stoned.
Ok, took 2 pics. Not the best photographer. Was a bit shaky on this one. But here she is, day after LST. I got her bent at a pretty good angle, I think.

mystuff 069.jpgmystuff 070.jpg


Active Member
hey allforit... I'm sub'd... she looks great. I am trying to do the same in a similar cab grow with FoxFarms OF. see my link in my sig.

what kind of temps are you getting?


Active Member
Thanks for stopping by, Easy420! To be honest, I have no idea on temps/humidity at this time. I have yet to buy a thermometer. I have my house temps hovering between 72 and 78 most of the time, and I have an exhaust fan that does a great job of removing the heat caused by the lights. I would guess median temp to be around 75 or so. It's never hot in there when I open the box. And she is growing like crazy, so it must be ok. Ok, I admit it, I am too cheap to buy a temp reader lol. That would be the only thing I would use it for, and that seems like a waste of money lol. I can tell the temps in there are ok lol. I will post more pics tonight, as I just looked in on her, and wow, lots of top growth since the lst. Tons of it. This is going to be one heck of a bushy plant.


Active Member
if your temps are in the 70's in the grow box... you are set. You can buy a temp gauge at Lowes for less than $5.00 btw. Good luck.. look forward to the updates.... peace


Active Member
Ok all, here is an update! For some reason, I couldn't get my camera to take very good pics this morning. Afternoon, whatever lol. They are turned out too dark. I will try to remember to take more pics later this afternoon, when it's in the box, I always seem to get decent vivid pics when I have all that good light in the background lol. But here she is, Day 27. Almost time to start nutes. Almost.
day 27 (11).jpgday 27 (9).jpgday 27 (3).jpgday 27 (4).jpg


Active Member
how is the soil? they look over watered or under watered. healthy green though. wow easy to correct and recover from over under water as long is it wasn't too extreme and it doesn't appear so. peace


looking good man. i need to learn more about lst for my Blue cheese. how long did u wait before u pull her over for the first time?


Active Member
Ok, as I said before, I wanted to add some better pics. I got some now. Just took these. day 27, better pic (2).jpgday 27, better pic.jpgday 27, better pic (1).jpgday 27, better pic (3).jpg
Basically, they are close up to show the new growth. I have a ton of new growth after the LST.
Easy420, I don't think they are under or over watered, but I could be wrong. When I took those earlier pics, the soil was dry on top, and I watered the plant after I took the pics. I water about every 3days. I usually water it until it's good and moist, then drain the extra water out of the water catcher on the bottom of pot.
Woonins, I waited for about 3 1/2 wks before I LST. I don't think you need to wait that long if your plant is getting tall though. My plant is very short to begin with. I wanted to LST to make use of all the grow sites on the plant as much as possible, I am growing in a very small space and want the best yield I can get. So I am going to start nutes on Day 31, and just continue to LST in a circle around the container. Let it get full sexual maturity, then I am going to induce flowering. I am really hoping for 2 OZ out of this grow. I think if I do it right, just keep doing what I am doing, I can get 2 OZ. It's very bushy, which will mean lots of buds. :)


Active Member
Thanks easy420! By the way, what made you think (and you might be right :) that the plant is over or under watered? I'm curious, because if I am doing something wrong, I would really like to know lol. What did you see that caused that to jump into your mind? Drooping leaves? Spots? etc. let me know :) Always trying to learn, this is just my first grow. :)


Active Member
drooping leaves, yes. That was my first thought... from what I have researched it can be over or under watering result


Active Member
Gotcha. Thanks Easy420, for the info. Are all the leaves supposed to be all upright and such? Corum, thanks! Yes, she seems pretty happy lol. Hope she continues that way lol.


Active Member
Nothing really new to report today. She is growing for sure lol. I am going to do another LST tomorrow evening, will post pics as soon as I am done.


Active Member
Hey Everyone! I think I have preflowers!!! Not 100% sure, but I think I do. I was looking at the nodes today, and checking the branches and all that, and I do definitively see some type of preflower. Unless it's just more branches, lol, but I don't think so. I will take pics asap. Not sure I can capture this on camera, but will try!


Active Member
sweet... cant wait to see the pic after LST. If levaes are ever drooped and curling on the edges... that's what i'd look for
