First official organic grow, Happy frog style.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I cannot tell you how excited i am to turn my head to the bottled junk and call it a day! Although i wanted to go all out rols, which i suppose it could be although im not nearly as organic as some of these guys growing there amendments, and all that awesome stuff, but i think you have to start somewhere, and since my last grow ended in disaster, one great plant, 5 dead ones LMFAO! It all came down to me trying an organic bottled which was working great! Roots organics starter pack, which was great by itself, but i did have to aerate every feed for 24 hours or more, mainly to off gas chlorine/chloramine but i learned that it also just made the brew more active! it was great, and then i bought the happy frog bloom soil amendment which is like 4-8-5.. needless to say that was partly where it went wrong, then fungus gnats that i tried so hard to control, but failed miserably until they girls were gone, i also attempted two other remedies for ailments my girls didn't have. Needless to say it got stupid because i wasn't prepared. I'm prepared this time! and I'm going simple.
So the soils base is as follows.
35% wiggle worm ewc
30% happy frong soil conditioner: Guanos, Mycos, sphagnum peat, and a buttload of other goodies.
35% perlite

1 cup azomite
1 cup happy frog flower and bloom 5-8-4 feather meal, bone meal, fish meal, fish bone meal, sulfate of potash, magnesia, those last two might be one word. alfalfa meal, blood meal, bat guano, kelp meal, and gypsum.

seems pretty solid to me as far as diversity goes. also tons of different mycos running around. however i can see why you would maybe want to specify a few of those ingredients and just go with that as well, but i have a good feeling on this.

Pest prevention
Neem oil
Pyrethrin oil
diatomaceous earth

Please tho guys, let me know if i need a few things here, i wwas thinking lime maybe. but what kind should i go for ive heard one has chemicals in it. Also, please dont insult me, im just here to be apart of this great community, and learn as much as possible, id go with headtreeps recipe in the rols deal if i could, but i had this stuff lying around other than the wiggle worm(I have heard this is a good brand is this true?) so it made sense to use it up if i can and the beans i have were freebies. 4 in total. Gonna make another order soon.

as far as bottled gunk goes, im still sold on Dynagro Protekt, still got some cal mag if i ever need it, ive heard that i no longer need to ph my water? is this true? It makes sense tho I mean seriously, guys, ph'ing your water!? how do you think the romans grew indoors with their LEDs; Certainly not with Ph Up/down I mean lets get real here. Any advice is appreciated.

PIcs as soon as you send me your camera i still have a block phone as ive always prided myself on bare necessities, like gambling and prostitutes, and ofcourse growing weed. I still grow weed. God this is gonna turn into a goddamn epic, over here, got me lookin like homer out da ODDSEE. ok im going to sleep now.....


Well-Known Member
Pest control, don't use diatomaceous earth. Nothing but a PITA. Water the plant once and you get this crust layer, terrible to clean up. You are better off with Pyrethrin oil and Pyrethrum fogger, covers a large room. I use SNS 203 to give the girls a solo cup soil drenching before I transplant to one gallon Smart pot. I have found most bug problems come from the soil, more than from the air. Pyrethrin oil is great in treating the plants and the soil surface. I use a 30 lb. bag of Wiggle Worm in my Super Soil mix. Great stuff! Garden Lime will help amend your soil for ph. Don't use ph up or down products to adjust the water, another waste of money. Didn't see any Humic acid on your list.Everything else looks good.I don't use bottle gunk as you call it. I make my own tea.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought the lime might be crucial, will have to pick it up. I'm going to make a few different ratios to see whats gonna work best with these products. My next pick ups will be the lime for sure. Once i get some bills paid, Kelp meal, and more wiggle worm for teas. I have heard great things about kelp meal. I also want to get some 200x concentrated aloe powder for foliar and potential cloning purposes.