First oudoor grow


Well-Known Member
Ive grown plants outdoors but always in a pot this is my first outdoor in the actual ground. Originally i thought it was a hermie but now im starting to think it turned male. Im sure it had white pistils that fomed just after the first male sacs formed. I went down to my spot today and pollen poured from it when i touched er and ive got another hermie growing now and its much different that it. Must have turned male from hermie if that possible.

As you can see it was topped

its stem is huge!

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Well looks like you got all males now, sorry to hear that.
I've been around a long time, growing since the 60's, I'm 62, I've never seen a hermie. There has been sightings but it's like big foot? Enough about that.
I guess you could grow them out and you'll have seeds for a long time commin.
But if you got females there you need to get rid of your males and your "Hermie's" now and say 10 hail mary janie's and your female dance and smoke a fatty.