First Outdoor Grow Question (any advice welcome)


Well-Known Member
So I have some killer beans stashed and am growing impatient. I live in alaska which has some killer sun this time of year (some days almost 24 hours) but i have only ever grown im wondering if this idea i have is any good....follow me about i take 4 kushberry females....pop em in 5 gallon pots with a half FFOF /half Happy Frog mixture...pop em in the bright intense northern sun till i want them to bud...pullin them inside for the dark cycle...then just keeping em inside for 12 hours in dark closet then just moving em by hand to the sun only during the most intense 12 hours of the daylight..seems like alot of labor i know but i live in such a place where i only have to carry the plants 10 feet to a large open backyard with no neighbors is this better then just building a temporary structure to cover them to force early flower?? any advice will be taken into consideration...much appreciated fellow smot pokers