First Post, First Grow!! General Opinions? Indoor


New Member
Hello Everyone!

Excited to finally join the forums!

This is my first post and first day as a member but certainly not my first time on the site. I have been researching for a couple years now and finally have the space, time, and the funds to begin my indoor medical grow. I understand that each grow will vary and I will need to learn on my own. I just have some general things to ask and need some input on so my first time isn't a waste. Im in the Southern California area, I live in an apartment, 2nd floor, have no problems with neighbors, maintenance, or landlord. ,

My Plan:

  • Budget of 1000$
  • Soil Grow-(Mix of happy frog, worm castings, root organics, and ancient forrest soil ammendement)
  • 5 gallon Smart Pots
  • 4-6 Plants
  • Grow Tent-(3.5x3.5x6.5)
  • 1 600w mh hps apollo grow light system
  • 1 400w mh hps apollo grow light system (has a cool tube)
  • Air Purifier
  • Humidifier
  • Humidity Monitor

My Plan Questions

1. Ventilation and Exhaust? Whats the most quiet, efficient, and affective inline and exhaust system that I should look into (considering all the above)? And whats better for the plants...negative pressure or high pressure? Do I want my exhaust to be stronger then my inline? Smell is 40% concern. Sound from the fan about 60% Recommendations on brands and setups is what I'm looking for. Carbon filter placement? I want to put the tent next to a window that has coverage and exhaust the hot air out through there. (Maybe put a window fan in the window so it helps the room vent as well?)

2. Lighting? For 4-6 plants at a medium height, 5 gallons, I was going to start with the 400w MH for veg? and 600w HPS for flowering. Is that to hot for the size tent? Should i go for 6-8 plants with the 600w? Is there a more efficient way than to buy 1 600w and 1 400w system? together they cost about 300$ but I'm worried about electricity bill and usage of a ballast. (1000w is a little much and i figured i would have an extra ballast, and 2 lights.)

Thanks for taking the time to read, and I'm sure I will have many more questions. This is just to get my foot in the door and say whats on my mind and hello to the forum. Once again I understand that my answers will vary and it will be a learning process. Any and all opinions are welcomed, we all learn from feedback. Sorry if this is the 100th time this has been done or if its in the wrong section, I still need time to learn.



New Member
Yeah? i could just make my own kit and i would only really need nutes and lights, so i guess your probably right. I have to look into that more and see the benefits.