First real grow, suggestions on these products?


Hi, I'm going to start growing soon, and before I went out and purchased everything I've been looking at, I'd ask for suggestions first...

I plan on using this guide

and I was going to purchase this Bubbleponics setup Edit-(ended up going with the $99 one instead)

which comes with a balast, with 400W HPS/MH lights

and then was also considering getting some subculture M, and B

anything else I may need to purchase? or might help? I have a thermometer and hydrometer... I have fans to disperse heat... its gonna go in a closet most likely... garage is a little too cold...


Active Member
get a ph pen and a tds or ec meter

I suppose if youve went and got subculture m and b, youre gonna use beneficial bacteria ? if so GOOD CALL! however if youre gonna run beneficials take a look at the thread created by heisenberg on how to breed your own beneficial bacteria,

get a carbon filter, if you got good fans to disperse heat they should push through the filter, youll need it for smell come flowering.

that bubbler looks ok, but if I were you Id make my own, much cheaper

get a timer for that light not some crappy 10 dollar timer, get an industrial timer from lowes or home depot, they run around 50 bucks
or make a contactor relay . if not its only a matter of time before the cheap timer fails, and something bad happens.


Well-Known Member
Your first grow ? Going with bubbleponics? Sounds like your asking for trouble. Do you have any gardening experiance?


Alright, I'll go find that thread and read some more and thanks.

Well, my first REAL grow... I once had 4 bag seeds I put in some soil, and one of them made it all the way to budding, with just watering, some bat guano, and some fish emulsion and watering with a little hydrogen peroxide... , and I helped my mother grow 4 clones that were given to her as well but she ruined those by leaving them in the rain to get moldy and eaten by worms... but I've learned much more since then by reading, and Jorge Cervantes grow video =P but since I'm living in California and its starting to rain I want to start growing indoors and this kit seemed like the best choice, (aside from building my own)

the hardest part for me is going to be getting it set up, and keeping the temperature right... its usually around 72-80... with 30 ish % humidity... I know that temp and humidity are important, but I'm hoping that will suffice...


Well-Known Member
You need to keep it simple. I'd suggest doing a simple 3 part nutrient formula. Get a grow under your belt before adding in all the extra stuff. Have you purchased your setup set? You can build one for a lot cheaper.

5 GA Bucket or Water Cooler, Lid or Net Pot, medium, Air Pump, Air Stone, Nutrients, PH Down / UP, PPM Meter, PH Meter

I just bought a 400W MH /HPS Electric ballast with timer, yo-yo hangers, bulbs & reflector hood for $150 shipped.


Nope, haven't purchased any of it yet, for this exact reason..

the lights + ballast + it already all being set up were the only reasons I wanted to get that particular setup...

the other lighting places I found online were way more expensive once you get it all.. like ballast, bulbs and reflector...

so where can I get a deal like that one? haha

even with this setup, I intended to start with just one or two plants, just to get the feel for it...

any suggestion on nutes? I was just gonna experiment with what came with the system since its what it came with, but I figured those may be crap, so I'd planned on reading a bit more on nutes before choosing...


Well-Known Member
Yeah the nutrients are okay I found that I scrapped them 6 years ago when I first started and went to the local store & bought the good stuff :D

Ebay is where I bought my light, here's a link to one at the same price Buy It now option...

Go to your local hardware store and purchase a 5GA team water cooler

Then stop by your local pet store & go to the aquarium aisle. Get an air pump and some black tube and a good air stone.

Then stop by your local hydro store & pick up some hydrotron rocks & talk with them about a easy 3 part nutrient you can use. You will need a net pot also I used a 5GA bucket lid but you can easily cut a hole in the top of that container and put a net pot in there like BeaverHunter has done.

I personally use General Hydroponics but plan on switching after this next grow. Right now I am doing the Lucas formula which only calls for 2 out of the 3 part nutes... So instead of using Grow I use only Micro & Bloom. 5ML micro / 10 ml bloom (VEG) and 8 ML micro / 16 ml bloom (FLOWER) these are ML/GA. I have added in a product called Rhizotonic during veg to promote root growth great stuff. They offer a product that replaces the Rhizotonic during the Flower phase. Canna makes those nutrients and are called Rhizotonic (veg) and Boost (flower)

A PPM & PH Pen can be purchased on EBAY

PH Pen:

PPM Pen:

Good luck post away with questions


Well-Known Member
Your first grow ? Going with bubbleponics? Sounds like your asking for trouble. Do you have any gardening experiance?
I have to disagree my first grow ever was bubbleponics and so far so good. Its pretty simple if you go with a simple nutrient plan like General Hydroponics. Really focus on your reservoir temperature staying close to 68 degrees, get a PH, PPM and temperature meter do a weekly reservoir change and you should be good ..


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree my first grow ever was bubbleponics and so far so good. Its pretty simple if you go with a simple nutrient plan like General Hydroponics. Really focus on your reservoir temperature staying close to 68 degrees, get a PH, PPM and temperature meter do a weekly reservoir change and you should be good ..
That's nice to know .


Well-Known Member


haha, I was torn between those and foxfarm, because I've heard so much about them, but then realized I had only heard about them for soil... not hydro... so I went with the gen hydro glad I made the right decision, thanks again everyone for the suggestions and support

I'm all excited, trying to track my packages before they are even track-able...


New Member
339 for about 70 bucks worth of stuff if that? If your slightly mechanically incline build one yourself.


oh, lower on the page, I ended up purchasing the cheapest $99 one, not the $359 one.... comes with roughly what? $65-$70 worth of stuff I'd guess, I just payed for the convenience


ok, so getting everything in the mail, almost all recieved, but I tested the ph of our tap water today with a pool ph tester and our ph is over 8.3 or at least at it... (tried some refeshe drinking water after that, and it was 5.8 ish)

so since I know my tap water is deadly to plant life, whats the cheapest way to go from here? buy those 5 gallon things of water every time I want to change my res? or get a triple osmosis? or is ph down not going to effect my plants if I always have to use it on them and just use my ph down'd tap?