First ROLS


right now I have been growing 4 plants under a 1000 watt hps in 7 gallon pots using my water only organic mix. This round I mixed up a different soil mix and starting my ROLS journey. My question is, I was thinking about growing in 2 32 gallon totes with 2 plants in each. Should I go this route or 4 individual 15 gallon pots? For those interested this is the mix i whipped up.

Base Soil:

4 cubic feet of sphagnum peat
4 cubic feet of worm castings/compost/local top soil
2 cubic feet of perlite and about 1 cubic foot of lava rock

Per Cubic foot of base soil:

1/2 cup of fish meal, neem meal, sul po mag, fish bone meal, oyster shell, crab shell, alfalfa, kelp
4 cups of rock dusts (glacial, basalt, azomite)

2 gallons total of biochar

I might be missing something but that is the bulk of it.


Well-Known Member
Right on. Looks like a good mix in my estimation.

I've always wanted to try big totes/beds with multiple plants. The only downside I can see is the inability to pick up the individual containers to see if they need watered.


Well-Known Member
Put them on a base with wheels to move. It should still be easy to jiggle even a 25G tote to check for weight.