First Round 2 Leafs Dieing

OK so my plant is about 2 and a half weeks old from seed. She has 4 serrated true leafs and more serrated ones are also growing. The problem I do see though is the 2 first leafs that appear after germination. They are starting to turn yellow and black and starting to die. The rest of the plant above the 2 first leafs (the oval round ones) is fine. The stalk above the 2 oval leafs that is looking good it is a nice light green colour but the stalk under the 2 first oval leafs is looking more dry. So I guess that means the game is over? If the stalk under the 2 first least is dieing I guess that means the roots will also be dead next meaning then the stalk above the 2 first leafs will start to die also and then the true serrated leafs will be next to go and so on? I do see she is growing new serrated leafs and all serrated leafs do look nice and healthy its just them 2 oval ones worry me or is it actually normal that them 2 oval first leafs wil die and everything is actually ok?

No pics the now maybe soon.

Thanks in advance for any help.

brotes grandes

Active Member
It's quite normal for seedlings cotyledons to do that mate mine always do as they grow and start feeding on themselves if no food in soil for em. Around this time I usually have 3 to 4 sets of true leaves and will transplant and start a very light feeding if being transplanted into medium not rich with food for em. If all your leaves start yellowing then you could have ph dramas,calmag problems etc then I'd start to panic. Good luck


Well-Known Member only means they want to be fed...start off light like about 1/6 of full strength nutes next time you water and work your way up every third feeding until you're at full strength...good luck...and remember ONLY feed/water when they're dry and the pot is light...good luck and welcome to RIU...
Thanks for the replies dudes. I will start off lightly nuting them next week, I did not want to give them nutes to early but in the next week or so I will start to introduce some light nutes. Whats the best to get I'm in UK mind. Thanks