First Salvia Use


Active Member
Hey guys me and a couple friends are thinking about ordering some salvia. There are 5 of us that want to try it and I am looking for suggestions on how much and the strength of what I should order. I was thinking about extract because from what I read you have to smoke/inhale the leaves a few times to feel anything. I was thinking any where from 5x-20x extract. Do you think one gram would be enough for all 5 of us or should I get 2? Thanks


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Ill tell you about my experience.

Me and a few friends bored as hell (like usual), had no bud left, and someone mentioned salvia. Only 1 of us 5 had tried it before and not much effects.

So we leave to the headshop and pick up a thing of salvia x40. Get home, load a bowl and I go first, biggest hit and longest held in. All of a sudden, my head goes WOOSH and I start laughing immediately while my friends pass the pipe. Suddenly my world transformed and I was riding a T-rex's back constantly trying not to fall and climb to the top of its head. After about a minute I fall on my back (Apparently I was rocking my chair back and forth). I get up and wander around. I see a picture on the wall and a lady doing dishes. I want to go talk to her right? So I see my friends doggy door thinking it was the only way in since the door was locked so I was trying to get in there for the rest of my trip =P (not quite small enuf for the doggy door)

All in all, it was too out of control for me and have never done it sense (save 1 time with lower strength x20) although it was the most visual trip ive ever had +5 on the visuals =)

I say its worth buying for the experience at least once and go from there on whether or not u want more...

GL with it man, you guys will trip! Get some 40x btw 20x is good but nothing compared to 40x


Active Member
Yeah like I think it would be fun to try and if it's really horrible it only lasts for like 30 minutes tops so. But you really think I should try 40? I don't know if I want it too intense the first time.


Active Member
If its your first time but you DON'T wanna trip out like crazy just get some 5x or 10x, no higher, but if your sharing with friends you could try 1 gram of 20x together. Also make sure you have a sitter, just in case.


Active Member
Spending 20 to 30$ on salvia is worht it. I went with 5x first and tripped like no other..And then went with xxx purp...I was seeing sound and hearing colors...20$ should get you and your friends fucked hit and hold for as long as you can....have fun!!!!


Active Member
Like I don't want it to be too crazy where it isn't fun and I don't want to ever do it again, but I want to definitely feel the effects and have a pretty cool trip. I'm looking at bouncing bear botanicals and cheap salvia divinorum but I don't know what to get. Based on that criteria should I get the 10x, 15x or 20x. And how much do you need to feel it? I heard its only 1/5th a gram per person.


Active Member
i'm new to the world of saliva, but i heard the trip is awesome.... that t-rex story had me laughing my ass off man.

plus, if it only lasts like 10-30 minutes, there's nothing to worry about, right? oh and i like the mention of having a "sitter" there just in case.... that's classic shit man.

so help me out here.... it's legal, right? and you can buy it in tons of different strengths? someone told me that you mix it in with your weed about 1/2 and 1/2 the first time.

i'm probably going to be hitting this shit up this weekend, so let's talk about it some more to get me mentally prepared for it, hahahaha


Active Member
Yeah its legal except in like 5 states or something and they have regular salvia leaf or you can get extract salvia which is chopped up leaves and they have 5x strength 10x,15x,20x etc.


Active Member
yeah so if we hit up some 5x the first time in a pretty sick ass glass on glass water pipe we should be good as hell? or should we at least go to the 10x?

first timers/salvia virgins-

if you haven't made up your mind yet, go to youtube and watch some of the salvia trips man.... continuous laughter and awesomeness. obviously make sure you have a sober watcher or "sitter" as it's been referred to here, but it looks like a great time.


Active Member
Yah itd be cool to grow man, hard to grow from seed I hear and expensive for a clone...

Yah I didnt know what the trip would be like and the shop only had 20x and 40x so we bought the stronger shit =P (First time 4 everyone pretty much)

Yah good to have 1 friend at least to be chill til everyone else calms down trip lasted 10 mins (visually at least) and just had a head buzz afterwards for about 30 mins

Thats the closest to acid ive ever gotten other than shrooms =)

Def worth doing at least once!!

Have a good trip boyz n girlz =P


Active Member
heading down to the local headshop to get some 10x right now!

maybe use it tonight or tomorrow... i will post results for sure. thanks for the info everyone.


Active Member
yo man the experiment is over!!! and i have to say it was a total let down. i bought 20x salvia that had "purple sticky salvia" written on the container with the stuff in it, so i assume that's a company name.

it said 20atomiX so it looks like 20x. it's pretty crappy, and from what i've read on another post, this company is about 1/4 what it really says. so the shit we smoked tonight was like 5x really. and there were only 3 of us to smoke the whole gram, so the shit must have sucked because other than getting a little light-headed high going for a while, we didn't feel shit.

so buy from another company or if you get it from this company, get AT LEAST a 80x or higher.

hope this saves some of you the pain that i had to go through, hahahaha


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Active Member
5x to 10x in the US is like $15-25 usually. so just use the currency exchange rate....

unless it's illegal in australia (which i heard they are now monitoring salvia use down there or something), in which case the black market price might be much higher than that.


Active Member
We are also planning to try it for the first time like you. we have ordered one. We feel very tensed. We are two in number. Will get back after that.